Show REPORT OF richfield commercial savings bank AS or JUL 1010 1910 organized lit in 1898 1 ASSETS ia S sl wat li ins art overdrafts beidl js buim cipal nal 13 S ia 77 otho sticks alad loail loi il 7 1 70 16 banking blout b HUH 1000 10 1111 I 1 7 wast sa on oil hand alid lne dm front 1 ii 7 1 fifth I 1 W TOTAL AS at J j liabilities demand si ahne liioi siti lt rr MI 7 capital stock 1 I 00 surplus bur burfus fUi p reserve for stock J 00 OO 00 reserve ll ere for los lo s i lck U cesone for contingencies 14 U 8 debenture TOTAL liabilities 1 70 sar fals ff offices ls at it richfield Filli and iino della member FEDERAL iwao INSURANCE corporation |