Show pioneer day will be gala event july atil I 1 li lubor day promises tu to lie be it 11 gala da lay in ili marydale marysvale Marys vale ac burd fiig to mel mein beis libers of the lie com mitlee lit in charge from early biorn inn ilig until lite late ei ev develling ening elling things s nill ft v be popping liia at 10 botlock it in ili it pro bum gi tin t iiii begin there will be ell 4 races laces childrens sports liandi li cap races ind aila sott softball aba ball if game at 1 0 clock p in there will ft lit he a small boy bos pouy pody race iii iliin us t relay biln race luce 14 mile siddle saddle eiore race aru group one milking jull klug contest coute conte te mens va fiille bleyle race ahlee eighth biffle free fur for ill all horse ruil lug ilig inn dwar ai greased pig coil tet for foi liui huys and gills under 14 IA incle five fi ve for foi all race la ili id O bald nil chish di ili grolla two vw cow emilet emi tet five icille fl tiie ee loi for till horse race lidies ladles bl imar anee mens lash dash ij llila fret for till horse race nice saddle lelii ji lay uce rave group three vow iu kill 11 voli politest teil test steer riding all 1111 aftel liow lighth lalle uon non phiners whiners race lace car and meliv rel race laie I litle will lie 11 snip iii perform hlll e ind and I 1 mad iiii anusic ide for a small adin klon fee will be charge I 1 lit in me i danel tig party N ill lie he staged and skating liin will he be lilt lot pro grei 1 at tile alie rink old time irusle ilc will lie he lit in at the dalae in the llie ev develling elling lit at tile high hool you M have but to tn the chow alic lit at mn lary vale ile held bield lust last pioneer tin day tn h ildiko fild lice boll ou to hitch up old hi tit ind bring li ln dobbin Dob liln and the llie flin illy to the saine ciuc place for foi i bl bibi gor oil ion july 2 alth of ahk alii y 1 mar a r the fol lowling are en ell to binke till alili i the best beat brathas ever held in ili the county mid and weil weather liri list last years fine fille lion show k will lie be eclipsed to alio who defre to enter I 1 auf ll 11 horson lioi im contact carl lund fautin or the rice race committee dee ra committee waltr walkr kenneda Kenn edv lucy liny tames jaines balva howes mid and ivied ilaween sports committee A r H croft rl aiton titon frazier ri aier otho grae itle jilley ty thoi pho black carrot kang continued on list last pice pioneer day will be gala event continued from page 4 xada ada riddle harold avon taylor dwain jolley earl lyman advertising committee chus chas M Gif diffell fell voyle oyle munson and jim heywood Iley wood ll 11 nance committee fred A Swi ilberg and anna M long ticket committee orson harris verl ii a 0 hansen hanna chas ilan ipton elgin utley john pearson and bert hardy it if you are under 5 years ald ebey will pass aass you free 51 5 14 1 years will cost and it if 14 dig up for the biggest show you ilef ever saw aw aror i im so KI small an ail amount |