Show erma kleeli ut all air und mrs charles ui ox becam tile lui bride of all air wi lold ilar igou ol of autwell AutU cli california ou on july 5 0 V A taylor lallur justice of th pace ut lit tur tile marr I 1 ag L a at 11 MIS is home the bride s s were uie tile tollow follow lug the marriage the brides mother arved a delicious tit at her jicome juose present were tie uie the hou red couple arand all aud urs 14 1 vi I aar mou mon 1 ml I 1 r and kira li an i W huu u of uly nevada mr air and mr arbiol christeusen of kimberly houlbe ide nudA raol nay ut of circle vine allu bertha christensen of mt alt pleasant llen saut mr all and sirs mrs charles and alan in and wel imd via lu of marksville marysville Marys ville the bride and grow gi iiii left the io following morning 1 I fui for AuLl ocil where the giai Is employed |