Show agricultural hints june 15 to july 15 Is the principal season for sowing alfalfa 0 potash Is needed on most sandy types of soil soll also on muc kand chaffy soils order seeds and fertilizers at the same time then you will be ready for a icing start one can grow the green italian broccoli now in the market at home as easy as anything order some seed W ta in lawns and along fence ro roy they 6 go to seed A great deb ji h A rd work later will thus be pi prevented ven fed ed L 6 0 0 there Is no eater Invest investment me ut triau gnall money spent in draining fertile soil ou on which crops suffer from too much mols moisture tuii the ladybug la is the growers best friend it if you see tine one ln in adur your house this spring trying to find a warm warn place to hide resist the temptation to swat it the ladybug eats plant lice midsummer cultivation in the garden find and orchard Is too often neglected itis it Is at this time that many flos eles of weeds their seeds their control will avs eri en the itle labor ol 01 the following follow jear year |