Show worst pe pests ats oi of 61 chicken eken h raiser and lice cause ofhie of high mortality ty otT of fowls owls BY 0 ALLEN LUTZ newspapers poultry journals and other miscellaneous ous hooks dwell perhaps more on this phleet than tiny any other for the email small and large poultry breeders bleeders bre eders rind misers yet little or no atten attention lIon Is paid to to the me profet eating M ting parasites tes especially y by the small i or amat amateur eur poul try wan nan the expert poultry advisers con lecter with different 1 state poultry de and universities are sent beni jut at pach each year for the express purpose of informing the poultry Y keeper hold bow to ward off different chicken dasen diseases ses and and lice alethe are the backbone of every talk the instruct instructors ors generally attend ull all poultry shows as far as possible and 1 their content contention lon Is that 50 per cent of lay day old chicks die before two weeks old through the glaring carelessness to handle these two important subjects before they tet ct beyond control cure can be cured afi If started in time it ii Is reilly really white diarrhea caused hy by lice though sometimes it li 19 caused ty by parasites picked up off the gr ground olind giving a dose of salts either ain in the drinking d i water or r by force to hush flush the liver out good will prevent it from fr m spreading taking curello care to elean the alie premises thoroughly different Dif poultry ry remedies may be use used to good gond advantage but if neglected and left to spread will oftentimes wipe out halt the flock before it Is checked quick action at the start will avoid the loss losi of day olds watch the baby chicks from time of hutching hatching cleaning utensils dally daily and also coops in which you keep them and your battle against disease will be practically won treatment at the start will save not only the infected ones but the entire flock the first signs of are la lack ck of pep standing around as though asleep with head up an and bowel movements white and loose at times sticking to the vent control lice lice may be controlled and completely annihilated by the use of the different poultry sprays one ahat that Is good Is nicotine eastly easily obtainable and a sure cure for small chickens use nicotine diluted half and halt hair with water putting it on as aa you would whitewash or spraying just before ro time for forthe the main maln flock use it straight it will not burn or polson poison chickens and if applied just before chickens go to roost will entirely free them of parasites in one night to tell results lay a per over the dropping board after applying the nicotine and if the hens paye have lice you will see them fall off one application la Is sufficient but it Is a good plan to repeat repe atit it every month thus assuring you a clean hen house and healthy happy chickens cheap pipe tobacco us used edone one pound to a hundred pounds of mash mixed thoroughly will improve the flock as it rids the fowls of any intestinal I 1 worms they may have and roost of them have some though they may never he noticed hanging tobacco stems in a henhouse henhouse Is claimed by some poultry raisers to keep the premises free from lice |