Show UTAH L BRIEFS spanish rork fork boy scouts held it a jamboree with large crowd present billmore rill more W 8 rigsby dies from aiom anju injuries ries received in auto accident thoele tooele chas miles 16 dies from free cold contracted while clin clinging cli asing sing a coyote wiles miles was clad in bathing suit when chasing the coyote fellmore aa A 3 day celebration of the dedication of the old state capito will be held injury in july pleasant grove groe crops in utah county have been damaged by cold weather spanish fork old folks Is scheduled for june 12 provo 0 T C mcmullin accused of s belling 0 lin g f fake ake mining stock has bee been n held ida dr trial as st george georga seed potatoes tested hereby heie by state inspector Inspect br show freedom from Ai disease sease fort fori douglas training camp to be held hald in augustias Augus thas has over signed up for training airport salt lake bourth fourth birth day of air passenger service I 1 through Sal salt fLake lake has justi been oli observed served doali moab Prope property itil values in grand county are rc reported showing I 1 two hundred thousand dollars decrease ogden road in ogden canyon la Is being improved log logan an scandinavians will hold a celebration june 22 biggham city 12 stakes Stake hold 31 L I 1 A c contests on tests candidates tor for to salt lake niec meeting ting in ili june iPa Par ovran rowan farmers will plant acres of potatoes in this district bountiful VI virginia rawa hepworth during gy G years ears school attendance hast has not lot been absent or tara tardy murra murray y salt sali lake county tire fire department part ment adds two new tire fire trucks to its equipment provo prove people will ht attend td state Fir emens convention to beifeld be held here au august 21 22 23 sandy high school will enlarge grounds to accommodate large attendance I 1 gunnison Gunn lson wool sorting methods were demonstrated by utah agriculture college specialists Amer american amerlean lenn fork utah county farm bureau I 1 Is sw working for tax adjustment on farms farmington road is to be built billt from aiom weber canyon to farmington eureka juab and utah county firemen fire will hold a convention here early in june american fork 75 residents of this illis city have been employed 0 on we the water system improvement work L ashi hl alpine alpan school district plans a building program parowan carowan Pa rowan eldon adams high school student falls off of 70 foot cliff breaking his leg plain city concrete is being laid on n the new road project Fet lo logan an cache county grain growers hold meeting to io perfect organization ogden cold weather delay delays s the marketing of strawberry crop west point rr four 4 11 clubs ha have ve been organized sugar house salt lake air gliders aro are taking practice flights in air gliders with a club to be formed soon junction A reduction jn in taxable values is reported for plute county provo an under ground reservoir will be constructed near mouth of rock canyon rayson payson boy scouts conduct lex excursion to bryce canyon alpine summer school I 1 will feature art course with famous artists ln in charge bingham bangham canyon A girl scout counell council has been organized Center centerfield field two 4 11 clubs were organized under direction of county agent cedar city fast dally daily mall mail to kiin kan ab Is to be established serving servin g eleven I 1 towns provo former city auditor ruth farrer has been sued for we five thousand dollars alleging failure to property perform her official duties richfield it Is estimated that utah exceeded nil all but 3 states in the gain of automobiles alf in use in 1029 over 1928 Clear clearfield fild tomato plants reported damaged by frost heber tools barn garage and machinery ofa of a rancher near here has been burned with heavy property loss logan elks will hold their stats state convention ConTention here bere june ath and ath st george sheep men report 1930 loss in flocks over 1929 record borume corn me A girls 4 n club has baiten organized price values in carbon county show chow decrease over 1929 1920 figures ogden plans are being prepared for reopening the wendover highway as a federal aid project and add a heavy capping of additional gravel over ia 40 mile stretch of the highway fellmore the e billiard county c chapter of the daughters of Plo pioneers will take over the management of the old state house in ri ilmore chapter to serve as custodian fairview al A summer kindergarten has been establish est established ablis bed here with 50 scholars enrolled three car loads of spring chickens garyd been shipped from this city provo utah county jersey breed aei ers hold picnic in american fork canyon t ogden I 1 0 0 F grand lodge cession held here decided to hold 1931 1991 annual sessions ces in provo helper carbon county fourth of tuly july celebration will be bield berenith beta with |