Show halton halloween fa L On Wednesday evening oi of leak ikle week the M 1 I A put over it very successful halloween party was given in honor of the ax aay arii of bee hive girls for membership feekin fees in firsts farat the hall wax most decorated and games elt bl t th i occasion were played efer which the time was spent ic daca ns ng drizen were wee gilev fortia best costumes and nd were worthy 0 O philip ward MM sadi aldr mrs vern robinson and I 1 lillie punch wid aud cookies eai cr fr served to about alouf one huz hund red Betl gut ats special social credit should be e alvea to the committee who worked so ao hard to make the tha party jim GAS and D 13 ut circleville Cir deville cleville vere visitors toya I 1 in junction on monday Y M mr r afi andl di mrs krik archie GIe giever antimony waid ivi biting here tv eek mr and airs jahu Hickma ij were business n eai vis i marcale 0 one ne day last wee mr and mry grover C artoni yew i ifft stow and anti moil mr air ond and airs mrs ale ae tosi were mere business busi nees visitors in richfield one idne day last weik week mr anil and mrs pa P J jensen were ln in sevier county on Wedes wednesday day john folsom from the theryan mina man stopped slopped in junction a hart ii tiff e last last week on n his iva way y to tb stilt salt lake city air mr andars and Mra Mrs A alfred frid F h were visiting in wi desoe I 1 over ever thi the week their ir da daughter uj hair M mra r 9 mary zabriskie Zabi iskie mr i and mrs weri up P fro from 1 t the decy visiting with relatives nd fi friends leada aix oix ea monday the Jime tion hotel is receiving rec eivin ir a of paint aint nod and get batting t ng ill alf lolled up bortle for tie wirier r sure makis mak es things a lot ot bitter better mr davies mry mrs lara C Peler h has a gionfr iori to fo her gei children mr aon on for awhile bobre leaving 61 california she visited for a short time at the beer T trail P ni rick took his dau detone deloice and eva and son lavar to salt lake city last friday fiday for medical treatment velone delone wll will hav hava li her gaitre goitre rm removed oved while the others will ill receive medical attention atte atio while n orth north bishop 1 I M abay bay anda bl barnson went to mcgill wi gill hs eck ec k to find a market for their pigs the bishop returned return pd to ship thi the pigs and meroe stayed staged out there ther 6 to receive them i word was received rece ived here hereby by mr it r andars and mrs bernard damson barnson that the lie baby of mr and arx caidin rudd passed sway away at salt lav fr m r nt typhoid hoid atlie baby halap had ban sick for some born time but e to have a good chance t recover until monday when wb eri I 1 i k took t 00 k a furn torn for the worse woree and vatier away this JB the theirly only child ibold c of mr and mrs rudd aud d a sand and the sympathy pym pathy of the entire community goes aee outto out to them in their heir mr and A irs airs ted bunce went to richfield oo on thursday to get mother mrs smith smi th who ils able to to be home again after her recent operation we are might blad tb report th at mrs mr smith IB a r rapidly the past fw few vp k P r k a I 1 i i tf ii l if I 1 n 1 a 0 ab ila V ui 1 art frt 1 her tu I 1 yet tt won will she ib fail 10 g at of her 1 ma an rc ra ho r |