Show P preserve reserve famous pigeon washington fish lugton A request to the war department from doston boston that the carrier pigeon cher ami alai which was the only onla means of communication with lile hie jast battalion of the seventy seventh division for four days to in 1918 1018 lie be exhibited d it in tile the 31 cap reply that the paril was was now jiff unions long the stuffed on dl dis q piny ty by the smithsonian institution cher anil lost loat an eye and a leg wi while ile carryl carra anc nr messages which result ed in rellies reaching the lost hul but tallon commanded by file lie tine inte maj charles W whittlesey the hird broucht back to tile he division loft a clear message froni from whittlesey which enabled ula his Nit tallon to he be found rind rescued after it had been by germans |