Show News Notes its a privilege leve to live in utah TOOELE with tweety tareo ahrea work ing properties toselo county third in the state in number of producing mineral mines it also ranks high in tho the livestock industry vernar VERNAL uruah county Is in the in production of 0 alfalfa seed producing bushels in 1927 and third in corn with a crop ot at bushels in 1927 SALT LAKE producing pounds in 1927 utah county ranks second in the tha state in production of lead it Is first in alt alfalfa a afa hay apples honey peaches pears spring wheat and cattle HEBER CITY wasatch county produced worth ot of mineral in 1927 it ranks second in volume ot of ore irea treated ted second in minerals produced second in gold silver and zinc and third in copper and lead COALVILLE summit countes coun tys eight working mines in 1927 produced worth of minerals and worth ot of coal the county ranks third in tons ot of ore ti eater third in production ot of zinc and third in production of coat coal RICH FIELD the beet sugar harvest barvest of sevier valley Is about had halt over according to officials of at the utah idaho sugar comp anys plant at elsinore Els lnore the beet factory will start slicing beets tor for the vats soon and expects to ru run n continuously tor for a period of 0 from I 1 tour four to gilve weeks OGDEN dell adams of layton utah stopped off off here on his way home from a hunting trip and displayed a deer a mountain sheep and a mountain goat which he bagged on the middle fork of the salmon river ilia hla companions on tho the trip were A INI johnson and billy wilson an idaho guide each ot of these also shot a deer a sheep and a goat PROVO rats are again over overrunning utah county and doing untold damage while farmers are reluctant to take any measures to eradicate them according to agricultural officials here W J thayne county agricultural agent grover clyde and 11 V swenson district agricultural inspectors all said recently that thousands ot of the rodents were extant idaho dories darles increased the output of ever product but casein during the first six months of 1928 george N tucker state director of dairying reports the production of comfor cial butterfat was pounds c compared with pounds during the same period last year and brought in co compared with last year an increase ot of PLEASANT GROVE purchase of bushels ot of apples has been completed by the pleasant grovo canning company the company just completed a large run of canned tomatoes and shipped cases to one eastern 1 purchaser good crops of strawberries cherries beans squash apricots and peaches havo have also been handled this season the run on apples started this week and will con can tanua until february SPANISH FORK FORIC comb honey producers at 0 this district recently shipped to Jones janesville jonesville ville N C one carload of 1488 cases of comb honey of the fancy and first class clasa grade the shipment was made by tho the stewart brothers arthur and albert stewart St and lew jones selling with them were the rev theodore fae and a number of 0 small producers tho the honey crop was far below average in quantity this year I 1 but of excellent quality SALT LAKE twenty federal aid highway projects costing were tn in various stages stage ot contraction cont ruction in utah on an october 20 it itis is shown by a report issued at the offices of the state road commission recently five of these were better than 95 per cent completed five were moro more than 80 per cent finished and only seven were under 60 50 per cent completed atthe of the seven two bayo baye been placed paced under contract a only recently S h I 1 D ra a n t s w wall fi I 1 amoun amount tto to carloads of 0 cauliflower and 30 of oc cabbage the product coming from the fields in the West westview view district that has found its way to the mar from gunnison Gunn lson according to L E hancock representing smith and hancock wholesale merchants of salt la T lake ke handling the products seven carloads have been shipped in the last week making a total of last lait year at the same time LOGAN plans for a big celebration in recognition of the opening of the tha western milk companas comp anys now conden sory at wellsville are complete according to F P champ a director of the plant the celebration tl on alch chich Is being sponsored by the wellsville chamber of commerce la Is expected to attract citizens from practically every town tn in cache valley A halt half holiday has been decla redby the town of wellsville for saturday november 3 democratic hats tile turkish fez was tile lie inor knopf t iilo ic tar esque and econom lent ani in lie file world worn torn 11 winter inter und and hy by every ninn imin in turkey from the file in to the poorest irest laborer it wait tile tie worlds most democratic hend hem bover roier ing ilonie home early use of in III july und augurt as tile hinr anil of nf wireless n leh phillp 1 artus q tiled cor tile hie birst alm ilm time P the ii naval annl nail and hip flip two crr crid irr lynnr and riv ri V a were tilted with n alth it |