Show ELIO TALES A RESUME bof OF THE WEEKS DOINGS IN THIS AND OTHER COUNTRIES important events of the last seven days he reported ported by wire and pro pre pared for the benefit of the busy reader WESTERN EPITOME three former san francisco policemen men a lieutenant and two patr patrolmen n convicted k 0 landing liquor from a boat at south san francisco la in january jannary 1923 ordered to prison by a ruling ot of the united states circuit of appe appeal aWat at san francisco the three who roust must serve terms ranging from twelve to eighteen elgh teen months in the federal penitentiary at leven worth kansas and pay tines fines of to 1000 each aro are D herschel brasfield former lieutenant mark alark williver and william barton word that E P erckenbrack director of the united states shipping board emergency fleet corporation tor for europe eurom with headquarters in london and formerly north pacific coast district director of tile tho corporation in seattle has asked to be relieved of his duties by january was received at seattle ei erckenbrack cLen brack said he wanted to return to the united states united states senator L oddie of nevada has appealed directly to president Pies ident coolidge for executive action in behalf of the white settlers on the he pyramid indian reservation near reno nevada who have been compelled to pay for tile the lands some of them have occupied since tile tho at their full value utter the sott bottlers lers had devoted years to their improvement and cultivation damages of aro are ashod by the pacific mail steamship company of new york from tho the bethlehem shipbuilding corporation ltd of wilmington Wll delaware for alleged faulty repairs to tho pacific mall mail steamship ecuador in ili october 1923 in a libed action filed in ill federal fc leial court at san francisco tho the states that claims for damaged cargo amounting to and that the salvage amounted to only four persons were killed and a fifth probably was fatally injured near pomona calif when a south ern pacific express tram train struck an all automobile believed to havo have been driven by frank S davidson 67 57 of los angeles davidson ill his s son george F davidson in an unidentified boy and an unidentified woman were instantly killed and miss aliss irene davidson was taken to a bi hi spital with critical injuries nullification of the oregon state gasoline tax is sought by a group of automobile fi freight eight bus operators in a suit tiled filed in ili the united states district court at portland oregon biegon an injunction is asked to prevent the secretary of state from further enforcement of the law A refund of approximately fly collected by the state under tho present gasoline tax law is demanded GENERAL john wingate weeks has regret fully stepped out of public life relinquishing linquish ing his office as secretary of war to dwight P D li is assistant sec detary world war veteran and hold er of the distinguished service cross tor for gallantry in action J va reprimand tor for colonel william T mitchell an 11 increased appropriation for the army air service this according to i ports confirmed in several quartee tei teia i in the present state of mind ol of tile the war var department but it is subject to change at any moment eleven members of a party of tourists are known knonk to have drowned the pleasure boat clara clar B capsized while attempting to turn in a rough sea just outside sebastian inlet illet florida the ot of the party which numbered twenty five were t rescued personal income tax collections in 1923 decreased or 2293 per cent as compared with 1922 according to revised statistics made public by the internal revenue bureau at washington records show that persons persona tiled filed income tax returns for 1923 the aggregate net income was wag and the tax school teachers of Sh Shah abrona rona ill will be required red to spend at least three weekends week ends ot of every month within the confines of the vil village villace laie according to an edict ot of the school board J B stout superintendent of schools declared about halt the teachers have been spending their weekends out ot of town and did not attend the local community functions I 1 the churches churcher of cedar iowa completed their task ot of copy copying the new testament producing prod acing what official ot of the minister ip association say Is the only book ot of its kind in the world A total of persons persona copied one verse each and signed his name to it the done in a uniform manner ministers said the brotherhood of railway clerks with a total membership of has been suspended from the A aberli merl can federation of labor laboi unless within the next ninety days it transfers to the international brotherhood Brother hool of teamsters all drivers chauffeurs stablemen and garage employed emp loyes heretofore under the jurisdiction of 0 the clerks vote to suspend wai was on a roll call to president coolidge expects soon to till fill the vacancy on the shipping hoard board caused by the i es ignation of frederick 1 I thompson he Is going ahead with his plans to exa examine mine the entire shipping board situation an investigation which may result in his lecont mending congress abolish the body A resolution scoring the evolution theory was passed by the council of the seventh day adventists I 1 in a annual session at des moines melnea iowa the resolution reiterates the belief of the adventists in the bible account of the worlds beginning imprisonment for life was the sentence given everett adams 17 of willington wll ohio a schoolboy lie ho confessed killing his good samaritan adam R clawson lodl lodi N Y school teacher the jury was wap out five hours its only question was vaa to fix the punishment tor for the youthful murderer miu derer the first pension award growing out of tile the shenandoah disaster has been made by the tha pension bureau to mrs airs alice B lawrence of washington widow of lieutenant john bollard lawrence La she was allotted 50 per month under the 1925 pension act janes james B duke millon alro tobacco manufacturer is dead at his homo home in new york tile tho millionaire ii me known throughout the country for his hia financial and philanthropic eccel eccentricities trici ties hod been ill for eleven cloven weeks ecks be gIn ginnia niU with P nervous breakdown which he suffered while at newport R I 1 beatrice fenner a 20 year old blind girl of los loa angeles whose compos compositions I 1 have been sung sting by badamo amellia Ani ellla galli curel curd has had been awarded a scholarship by tile ho juillard Jul lidid mus allis icil ical foundation of new york it was as announced FOREIGN the manila house adopted tho the sert sen atos resolution instructing Osin eria president of tle the house bouso ind and hlll ho rhilip philippine pine resident commissioner in washington to oppose any attempt by congress to amend the jones law with respect to the disposition of lauds lands in the phillp iries the present lit law limits the amount of land any c individual or corporation may own to 2500 acres at caillaux newly returned from his debt funding labors it at washington presented his report to the cabinet council and at the conclusion of the thie chour discussion Pre premier Pa Iain inlove leve said tho the project M cill call laux brough back from america will be thoroughly studied negotiations Negotiation i witia ther the united states will continue nikolai lenin of mosco alosco father of bolshevism is to ie be riven given one of tho most elaborate in ate world plans for the erection of a maialo mausoleum to replace the temporary wooden structure in which his body now rests were announced by the so viet government A resolution was vas introduced in tile the manila sunato senate asking congress and tile the people of the united states to grant the philippines complete independence the fust first years experience of the utah idaho sugar company in south ern ein alberta canida canada is promising ac corling cording to W V 11 II wattis Wit vice alent and general manager of the can adian sugar factories ltd the canadian adian branch which his has this year built a factory will vill be ready for op aeration before november lie he says sas tile rumanian ambassador to bulgaria with his wife was fired on while automobile riding in the capital men using automatics opened tire fire on tile the ambassadors auto tho the assailants escaped domizio Torrin glana grand master of the masonic order in italy has issued an order to all lodges to hold no meetings and ceas all work until further notice his action follows the recent facista mason alason clashes at florence in which several persons were killed the communist transport workers ot of the parla paris region were called out in what Is regarded as a curtain riser for or the general strike arranged by the reds as a protest against the tb french policy la in morocco |