Show the KITCHEN CABINET acl 1926 hV estern newspaper Niwo paver union lie Is great who pulls pulla you out of your mental ruts ruta lifts lift ayou out of the mire of the commonplace whom you alternately love and hate but whom you cannot forget for gret elbert hubbard ROUND THE FESTIVE BOARD when one good sized chicken will not serve the family if increased i by unexpected company try serving it this way it will go nearly twice as far chicken War mein stew the chicken with one onion having plenty of broth remove the chicken and onion when cooked and add to the broth three bunches of celery cut into small pieces cook the celery until tender but not soft meanwhile remove the chicken from the bones bonea and shred und and cut into small pieces keep hot in a double boiler or dish set into hot wider remove the cooked celery to another dish keeping it hot and add noodles to tile the broth cook them and what broth Is left thicken adding cream iii and tile the fish Is ready to serve sere place it a nest of noodles on oil tile the serving plate then lien in spoonful or 01 two of tile the seasoned celery then on top the lie minced chicken adding a bit of gravy or sprinkle with a few croutons A good sled sized chicken plenty rit or calery leri aind noodles no offles and broth will serve eighteen or twenty lor a indies hin hinchion cheon the seasoning is important in this dish its in fill all boken cookery taste it orten often to he be sure it lins has french macaroon cream soak orie one twible of gelatin in three tablespoonfuls of anter scald two of inilla with one square of chocolate add tile he yolks of aree eggs heaten with one half cupful or of sugar stir constantly until th li mixture inix ture thickens thir kens then lien add the sti sli lly fly hea t t ill two of it of ellav xa tiro oris rolled one teaspoonful of vil nilla turn into molds and c hlll hill serve with cream veal cutlets wipe 11 of veal cal and 1 rid cut into serving sized piece cover coer 1 ith boiling water imd simmer tint nelll 11 tile hie ineat Is tender drain and sprinkle avith alth snit salt dip ill into egg gg an anil I 1 crumbis and fry in deep lee fat for sauce dinelt two tablespoonfuls of hutter butter add one mic tablespoonful of lour find and one cupful of eal cal broth seison season avith nit all pepper lr iier onion juice nit and a of lalib a tui fill of crenin small virts which our grandino thors used to prize are prepared prop sired by cutting the lie pastry v into rounds then with etli 11 doughnut cutter cut a few alth nith liolis hake bake drop a spoonful of bright col ored jelly on the alie round and cover with the one with the lie liole hole in the center meals for the day A salad which liali Is always season tible Is prepared its as follows P peach e a c it a and n d grapefruit salad on oil heart lenes of I 1 lettuce e t t u 1 n i r ri range liall halves s 0 of canned pencil peaches es fill tile the cen I 1 ela v I 1 11 I 1 li it fi n v I 1 y minced tender celery find and arjang P around thoin hec lions of sprinkle li hopped chopped and mal serve with the follow follo xOng lit dressing wit lunt one olle cupful of crenin cres iiii until inn adi salt pap will rian unil und two wo tablespoonfuls of lemon juice dillice illice a spool spoonful ifill of tills this driss dress ins ing on tile the pencil peach garnish with it cherry cher rv broiled sirloin steak with legeta bles lay a steak in it a well greased bilking pan inin cover with a thin inver of fr sliced onion over this a layer of chopped celery using two no or three unions onion and two cupfuls of celery for a two pound weak add one or two linely sliced green peppers lintl over nil all slice three rood good fixed ripe toula toes have under tinder tile the broller roller li an and cook stirring the oc bocc islon caRlon dlly ally this Is a lih which will be often repented repeated after heink being once served the Is lone done before the anent 1 Is put into the broiling oven tills this dish rony may ile he used for a flat cake of f or round satenk and joaq roasted 0 t in the oven follow directions ns as for broiling when the vegetables are co cooked olied serve nt at once combination salad take a small pott potato scoop and prepare a n few balls of the lie pink centers centera of a watermelon add a cupful of finely cut celery two cupfuls of finely cut tart apple a pear or two wo cut into thin pieces mix with a good mayonnaise dressing and garnish with eighths of ripe tomato serve on lettuce celery cut into short lengths and stuffed with cheese la Is a good relish to serve with any menu THIV |