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Show t PIUTE COUNTY NEWS, JUNCTION, UTAH Golden brown, feather-ligh- t with ilentyof syrup or sweet com pany you can't beat this happy morning Cattle Feeders Secure Profit - Live Stock Needed for Right Farming Flapjack combination ! Albers stands fat Better Breakfasts1 South African Whaling Itemarkably big catches have been made recently by the whaling fleets of Durban, Union of South Africa. For one period 42 whales were taken, weighing approximately 1,81)0 tons. One whaling company alone had landed 15 whales while two of their boats wen steaming Into Durban with catches of four and (he whales each 24-ho- Commerce lteports. Fight on Luxury An been formed in Tokyo by students. It hopes to induce She wealthy people of Japan to discontinue habits of luxury. anti-luxur- society y has Steers Gaining in Winter Make Best Gains of Year on Summer Grass. Cattle feeders In the Appalachian mountain region have differed for some time In their opinion, regarding the best way to winter steers that are to be finished the following summer on pasture. The general practice In that area has been to winter steers on dry feed, such as hay, corn stover, and wheat straw, and also on com silage to a less extent, In such a way that they are permitted to lose weight. Some cattlemen hold the Idea that It Is profitable to permit this loss of weight, which with older steeis usually varies from 25 to 100 pounds ench. Others believe that cattle wintered on silage, or a ration of which silage Is a part, will not do well .on grass the following summer. Made Larger Gains. Some Intensive experiments have been In progress since 1914 In cooperation between the United States Department of Agriculture and the West Virginia experiment station, the results of which show that on the whole steers which make larger winter gains ulso make larger total gains for the year when fattened on grass the following summer. The results of these tests also showed that the steers which made only slight gains or lost In weight during the winter 'made greater gains on pasture than steers which made large winter gains. Thus, while the steers tended to overcome the advantage of the steers they were not able to do so entirely during the period. Tt Is Important, says the department, that cattle to he marketed early should gain considerably more weight during the winter than If they are, marketed late. Whether to feed to make large winter gains or not depends more, perhaps, on the cost "f the ration than any other factor, however. Cheapest Winter Gains. The winter rations which gave the greatest gains and the cheapest gains in these tests were the more succulent ones composed of silage alone, or silage, cottonseed meal, and straw, or silage, legume hay, and straw, as compared to the dry rations of mixed hay and ear corn or mixed hay and "heat straw. The cost of wintering steers Is generally of the cost of keeping for one year. Therefore the profit depends to a large extent upon the cost of the winter light-winter-fe- d heavlcr-wlntor-fe- Soil Fertility Is Not the Only Big Problem. is two-third- peqraSs s It Pays to Grind Cora and Oats for All Cows the Iowa station they found that It required about 11(5 pounds of ear At Wt y of many oiluer brands-ia-f vhy THE WORLD'S GREATEST DMiEMG PGWDSR Goes farther lasts longer , cnoretlun the ordinary It is questionable whether hone meal by selecting enrs from t ho best plants as soon as t he crop is mature. If selected in this way and stored in a dry, place, the seed may be expected not only to germinate well but to produce strong, healthy plants. A little time used in selecting d Trucks Useful on Farms leavening strength SEST BY TEST Sfa times these o any Get Best Seed Com and caring for seed corn in the fall nia) save a lot of work and extra ex pease of replanting fields in the .spring. ts Contains Sales corn to equal in feeding a!uo 100 pounds of corn and oobmoal. Also they found that UK) pounds of corn grain in the form of corn and eohmeal was wortli no more than 100 pounds of corn in tin form of eornmeal. Apparently grinding increases the efficiency of corn about 10 per cent for dairy cows. With oats, grinding is supposed to increase the efficiency about 10 per cent. Almost all dairjmon are agreed that it pays to grind both corn iffid outs for dairy cows. other brand Is the motor truck only an additional expense to the farmer, as some of our horse friends would have us believe; or Is it an efficient unit In helping the busy progressive farmer to cut the time nnd most of his hauling and marketing costs? Surveys conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture have indicated it is an efficient piece of farm equipment and a time and money saver where properly with the other farm operations. Limestone for Alfalfa Greens August Flower for Constipation, Indigestion and Torpid Liver ,r Successful for 69 yeanu 80e sod 90c bottles ALL DBUGGISTi Alfalfa Is a large user of limestone as a food. When these factors prevail, and on most soils, alfalfa will grow in proportion as it secures phosphorus from the soil. On most natural soils alfalfa seems to be able to secure enough phosphorus to make about two tons of hay per acre each year, with enough phosphate added to the soil the alfalfa may make growth enough for six to seven tons of hay under the same other conditions. Yv &) Live stock and permanent agriculture have long gone hand In hand. It Is a principle as old as agriculture Itself that the land needs live stock as truly as live stock needs the land. Neither would one long continue to return a profit without the other. As a rule, the more live stock a farm maintains, the higher the state of fer- tility. It is not advisable, however, to overdo the thing. The soil fertility problem Is not the only problem the farmer has to face. There Is the question of economics always awaiting him. These late years, especially, must he ask himself, Does It pay?" It Is quite possible to carry the Idea too far, to become overstocked and, because of sanitation, housing facilities, market conditions, etc., to waste ones profits through Professor Warren of Cornell university, who has given a lifelong study to the problems of farm management, says It Is safer and usually pays better for the average farmer to keep no more stock than he live-stoc- k over-productio- lias feed for, It being advisable in most cases to have a little feed to Bell rather than to have to buy it. To he a successful farmer, one must make a comfortable living from the land nnd leave it more productive than lie found It. No method has so far been discovered that can bring about this result so simply and so syssatisfactorily ns a tem of live stock farming, and the satisfaction and profits derived therefrom will depend in no small degree upon the quality of the live stock. well-balance- d grass-fattenin- (Q Oke KITCHEN CABINET Liberal Feed for Dairy Cows Quite Important A prevalent mistake in feeding dairy cattle on American farms is the failure to give the good cow sufficient feed above that required for carrying on her bodily functions (digesting the feed, breathing, pumping the blood, heating the body, moving from place to The place). highly 'specialized dairy cow returns in the form of milk practically all feed given her except that needed for body maintenance. From the standpoint of economical milk production one cannot generally afford to give a dairy cow more than she will consume without gaining in There are times, however, weight. when It Is desirable to make exceptions to this rule ; for example, nearly all heavy milk producers lose weight in the early part of the lactation period, producing milk at the expense of their body. When such cows approach the end of their milking period, their rations should not he reduced until their weight has been regained. The feeder can well afford to feed such cows liberally, since they will return the feed in the form of milk when they again freshen. When dairy products can he marketed at a profit, obviously It is not true economy to restrict the feed of a dairy cow below that necessary for maximum milk on wear that great who pulls you out of your mental ruts, lifts jrou out of the mire of the commonplace, whom you alternately love and hate, but whom you cannot forget. Elbert Hubbard. Big yields are evidence that the used thought, skill, and producer patience. h- -s Seeding of wheat should be postponed until the safe date in sections where Hessian tly infestation is common. It might be just as well to pay the lie is the fellow boy some attention. who is going to carry on what you started. , Potatoes, whether for seed or eating purposes, should be stored at temperatures of not more than 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Types of farming vary In profitableness to about the same extent thaf they utilize the operator's time the year around. Avoid filling the chicken house with chickens beyond Its capacity. Each bird ought to have at least eight Inches of space on the roost. Ilow many colts have you seen on farms during the past few years? Indications point to high prices for horses during the next decade. One farmer cut four seven-foo- t posts from black locust that had been planted only eighteen years. Locust will help solve the fence-pos- t problem now that chestnut Is gone. Concrete Around the ' Home tells in everyday language how to U9e concrete lor building drives, walks, steps, porches, and other. permanent improvements which every home needs. Complete instructions make it easy to estimate the materials and to mix, place, and finish the concrete lor these Improvements. ROUND THE FESTIVE BOARD chicken will When one not serve the family If Increased by unexpected company, try serving it this way it will go nearly twice as good-size- d far: Chicken Warmein. Stew the chicken with one onion, having plenty Remove the of broth. chicken and onion when cooked and add to the broth three bunches of celery cut Into small pieces; cook the celery until tender but not soft. Meanwhile remove the chicken from the bones and shred and cut into small pieces; keep hot in a double boiler or dish set into hot water. Remove the cooked celery to another dish, keeping It hot, and add noodles to the broth, cook them and what broth is left thicken, adding cream, and the dish is ready to serve. Place a nest of noodles on the serving plate, then a spoonful or two of the seasoned celery, then on top t he minced chicken, adding a hit of gravy, or sprinkle with a few croutons. A chicken, with plenty of celery and noodles ami broth, will serve eighteen or twenty for a ladies luncheon. The seasoning is important in this dish as in all cookery. Taste it often to be sure it has enough. French Macaroon Cream. Soak one of gelatin in three tahlespooiiful tahlespoonfuls of water. Scald two cupfuls of milk with one square of chocolate, add the yolks of three eggs beaten witli f cupful of sugar. Stir constantly until the mixture thickens, then add the stiffiy beaten of a cupful of macwhites, aroons rolled, one teaspoonful of vanilla. Turn into individual molds and chill. Serve with whipped cream. Veal Cutlets. Wipe a slice of veal and cut into serving-sizepieces. Cover with boiling water and simmer until tlie meat is tender. Drain and sprinkle with salt, dip into egg and crumbs and fry in deep fat. Fur sauce melt two tahlespoonfuls of butter, add one tablespoonful of flour and one cupful of veal broth. Season with "alt, pepper, onion juice and a of grated horseradish, teaspoonful with a cupful of cream. Small tarts which our grandmothers used to prize are prepared by cutting the pastry into rounds, then with a doughnut cutter out a few with holes. d Bake, drop a spoonful of jelly on the round and cover with the one with the hoi e in the center. Meals for the Day. A salad which is always seasonable is prepared as follows : Permanent Repairs on the Farm tells you how to repair old buildings quickly and easily, and at low cost The information on Concrete Barn Floors and Feeding Floors will help you add many a dollar to your net profits. Plana for Concrete Farm Buildings contains sup- plies o! blue prints, and shows you, step by step, how to put up Concrete Silos, Dairy Barns, Hog Houses, Milk Houses and many other forms oi Concrete Construction. Whether you are going to iutld a new building, or repair on old building, these free booklets wilt show you how to do the job for all time. Send for them today. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION good-size- d 111 West Washington Street CHICAGO A National Organization to Improve and Extend the Uses of Concrete Offices in 30 Cities one-hal- two-third- Any book you wan! -- by mail, C. O. D. Deseret Book Co., East So. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah IHiPirRwd s .i 44 L. D. S. Business College SCHOOL OF EFFICIENCY All commercial branches. Catalog free. N. Main St. SALT LAKE CS.TV, UTAH d 60 FLORIDA LAND WANTED Will buy ocean ami river Irunt, any size acreage, or city property, in Florida. Prefer Miami and Daytona propertie.,. Send legal Also have good and terms. Floriua properties tor sale SAMI LI, Cl MM INS Hudson Terminal, 1. O. liox i), N. Y. C. Churches Schools Own your own Powers Motion Picture Projectors, guaranteed perfect condition, less than market value Send for details It. Norton, 794 9th Ave , New York. bright-colore- Peach and Grapefruit Salad. On heart leaves arrof of halves ange canned peaches, fill the centers de- The wise fanner will keep his eyes the wheat market of the world. Help extern .NeHgpaper ldioq.) with weather not machinery. stroys Buildissg He la lettuce Its Free fine! tender celery and arrange around them sections of grapefruit. Sprinkle with chopped pecans and serve with t he Beat one cup following dressing: ful of cream until firm, add salt, paprika, and two tablespnoufuls of lemon juice. Place a spoonful of this dressing on the peach, garnish with a cherry. ' Broiled Sirloin Steak With Vegeta-bles- . Lay a steak in a linking pun, cover with a thin layer of sliced onion, over this a layer of chopped celery, using two or three onions and two cupfuls of celery for a steak; add one or two green peppers, and over all slice three ripe tomaPlace under the broiler and toes. cook, stirring the vegetables occasionally. This Is a dish winch will be often repeated after being once served. The seasoning is done before the meat is put into the broiling oven. This dish may be used for a flat cake of hamburger or round steak, and roasted In the oven. Follow directions as for broiling. When the vegetables are cooked, serve at once. Combination Salad. Take a small potato scoop and prepare a few bails of the pink centers cf a watermelon, add a cupful of finely cut celery, two cupfuls of finely cut tart apple, a pear or two cut Into thin pieces; mix with a good mayonnaise dressing nnd garnish with eighths of ripe tomato. Serve on lettuce. Celery cut Into short lengths and stuffed with cheese Is a good relish to serve with any menu. well-grease- two-poun- finely-slice- d d good-size- d lcLU d HAIR BALSAM Removes ,, I , jF'' ss i 'A Dandruff-Stop- Hair Falling s Restores Color and t Gray and Faded Hair Beu.V (sic and H 00 at Druggists. His -- ox ( hem VMt3.Pstrhogue.NY. HINDERCORNS Removes Corrs, Ca! louses, etc., stops all pain, ensures comfort to tb feet, makes walking easy, lac bv mail or at Drns gists. liiscox Chemical Works, Patchoguo, N. X. ClearThePores Of Impurities With Culiciira Soap SopOjntrntMitTalcurn everywhere. Boys Study Leather A . junior technical clay school for training boys for the boot and shoe trade has been opened in connection with the Conhvainers Technical college in London, England. The course will lie divided between general education and trade subjects. Corn Flake Griddle Cakes 1 c. milk flour 2 tsp. sugar corn flakes 2 level tsp. Calu- 2 level tsp. butter 1 egg met Baking Powder level tsp. salt Prepare and bake the same as Plain Griddle Cakes. Use any kind of pack- ege corn flakes, but dry them out if they have absorbed moisture. Any cooked cereal may be used in the place of corn flakes. 1 c. 1 c. Valuable Watercress Tradition. and investigation have given to watercress a very high place nmong medical men for its real food value. rax aosm-nc-a oo., number,, p. |