Show I 1 run IN CASH CAH first PRIZES a is 2000 open to everybody anywhere abr or answers we in educational contest prizes duplicated if tied send stamp bof or Or circular cular rules and questions SHEFFIELD laboratories dept 9 aurora illinois V SOM IWO ar w IT W HA als ajl 5 2 A H E HI jl 4 R TO to ride rade on atom im aade ALWON S cos for every fiber is insulated with rubber bidding great strength to each cord which stands the extra flexing strain in balloon tires this process is the very foundation of low pressure construction drive in let us equip your old car we ran can do it quickly at low cost barlow brothers junction utah nall I 1 LEGAL LEAL department fe NOTICE TO WATER USERS state Engi engineers office salt lake city noticed Noti cei ceis hereby given that the sevier canal company whose principal place of bu baine business ine is in salt take boke city utah has made application in accordance ance with the requirements V i of section P 8 Chapter 67 session senion laws lars of df utah 1919 to change the point of diversion and d use of five and fifty say cv 6 5 ind and 50 70 cs of water from sevier river in san pete county utah said water has baa heretofore been diverted at a point which bears f ft t 8 and 1474 ft W from the NE corner of see sec 18 T 20 S R I 1 E S L M and used for irrigation of parti of sec 6 7 and 8 T 20 S R RI I 1 E andsen lj 20 S I 1 R 1 W and sees 13 1314 14 24 25 and 36 T 19 S R I 1 W sees 19 30 and 31 T 19 S R I 1 E S L M it ia now desired to divert said water at a point w which hi ch bears 2385 ft N and 1757 ft E of the SW cor of sec 28 T 14 S R 3 W S L af by means of concrete diversion dam and convey it in in a canal a di istance of soo ft and there use as a supplementary supply for lands under the sevier canal system embraced insect inSe cs 15 to 20 2930 S xa W sees 7 and 18 T 16 S sees 19 SO go and 31 T 19 S sees 6 7 and 18 T 20 S all in in R 4 wk sec 1 2 10 to 16 15 22 to ZT 27 34 to 86 36 T 15 S sees 1 2 8 3 9 to 12 inell and 26 T 16 S sees 19 20 21 30 31 32 T 17 S sees 4 to 9 16 to 22 27 to 30 inel 32 to 35 T 18 12 h sees 2 to 5 6 8 to 11 13 to iti 16 hicl 28 35 36 T 19 S sees 1 2 3 10 to 16 20 to 29 33 34 35 T 20 S sees 3 to 9 inel T 21 S all in FL K 5 W 27 28 33 34 T 16 acs 3 45 14 iii el 21 24 25 36 abt T 17 S sees seca land I 1 and 12 I 1 F 18 S all in in R 6 W S L M hav ing an area of acres more orless or less i is i designated in the S slate la to Engine engineers erk office officers ceas as fileno AU all protests against the granting of said application stating the reasons mus must t be by affidavit in duplicate accompanied accod danied with a fee of and ad filed in in this office within thirty JO days after completion of publication of loyd carribon Carr state engineer pate date of first publication mar 6 ir 5 date of comp completion leUon of publication apr aar 10 1925 NOTICE FOR publication publisher U S LAND OFFICE E at salt lake city utah march 11 1925 notice is hereby given that junius G covington of torrey utah who on march made homestead entry no for E E E 14 lot ase lot 2 section 31 south range 6 east salt lake meridian has filed notice of intention to make three year proof to establish claim to the land above described before the Clerk of the district court at lon loa utah on the day of april dapril 1925 claimant names as witnesses Sidney rymer of grover utah lewis goodwin of grover utah riley R osborn of torrey utah guss williams of teasdale utah eli F taylor register first publication mar last publication april saca 0 aff 7 tib ahe news new 5 gilbert R beebe JUNCTION UTAH ur M wo bigelow 1 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON electo coagulation of tonsils done at any time 60 patient may go about paual ditlea as a soon mayio as tonsils are arc treated UTAH BARLOW BROSI BROS relieve conglis Co colasi headache rheumatism am GARAGE and Al all aches lAches with and pains get year Sap supplies plIes at MOW of the bolds aba daw cultrea CUl drea ow for nOSSa ALL WORK guaranteed U better bener than a mustard plaster Miter Es 5 gal strothe aal al bas oils anil accessories FIRESTONE GORDS CORDS FISK TIRES UR night and bonang to efto CHRYSLER AND CHEVROLET them cb abid healthy write for F free 1 eye 4 C care AGENCY or of eye Beauty IV book easy terms ride ply pay ipg dont keep that A t ar aniu ceiilia cip III te fe it ir P RED GAUGE JUNCTION UT 4 vulcanizing VULCAN IZING foe t tet let mt m t jafee c over your atra f tr troubles AU all kind of tire repairing dor dorr dorc r all aff work guarantee L MAYNARD or junction vt lit wid sam Eve Whom PINES HOTEL 0 eal marysvale Marys vale vaie utah rei nodded with all modern Convenience conveniences a heated batha r water breakfast 7 to lunch 12 hinner IF i n ra e r 6 car for hire day or night B H king prop 0 0 v INIC HIGHWAY h A R A G formerly johnson garage parco gas oils tires and afeld accessories first class for dodge bos cars C A shetton SHELTON manager UTAH |