Show garfield stake conference hold held the garfield stake of zion hold held a very successful and wiell atti attended ended quarterly confer conference ende at junction march maich 7 and 8 apostalo orson F whitney was present representing tho the arst Preel dincy and as aa pres prea CE cerowaz Rowan is a 11 a L city pros Pres thos tho aking presided at the meetings conference was in the form of hood convention and con conference terence combined and special sessions were held for the priesthood and the auxiliaries Auxila laries rles saturday forenoon sessions were held for the relief society the primary and the stake and word ward priesthood authorities at 10 A 1 4 and a general bession at 11 for all the afternoon the Y LM L M MIA 1 A and each of tile the priesthood met separately at 2 P M and a general bession nt 3 in the evening the local Ro recreation creation committee gave a musical program and a I 1 ince which was well attended and enjoyed en joyed by all the music WAS furnished by the junction the same resti a also gave a dance friday night nigh after tatter the ball game wh which ich was one of the best beat dances given in the stake in a a i time the ball game was v between junction and Cir circleville cleville and wax an game Cir circleville cleville captured the honors the two ies sessions sunday were general sessions suasions sua at which the time was occupied by various speakers chio fiest of which was apostle whit ey cy A variety of subjects of importance import anco to later y saints were very ably treated in theo the evening the Y YM M and Y L M 1 I A conference was held and the people reed decd an ex experience exper pe ence rence not often of ten had in these small stakes kei two apostles on the stand atone at one jos 3 stake stayed fayed over ove e and attended the conference Sp spectral ectal musical numbers and talks talka by the apostles combined to make tho the evening very interesting and instructive indeed and left a keen ap appetite petitt for m more 0 re it is ia a lamentable thing that feasts like these could not como more often than once in three months |