Show morgans valuable Lb library experts attached ta to the american art arf asi association ocia tion have completed their nine months task of appraising the morgan library and have submitted their report to too the comptrollers office no figures have been made public but it la Is known that the value of the rare books manuscripts and engravings grav ings has haa been placed at about 7 of this amount the tha book p rep resent about the morgan library la is housed in the mirble marble building built for 1 at 3 east thirty sixth streit street by tha itte hiie J pierpont pont morgan a a now new york corre correspondent spon dent of the philadelphia ledger says bays the library is especially rich in the collect collection iou of bibbea bles which ey ex tend back through the eri era of printing to the manuscript bibles that preceded it especially noticeable aasc ard are the chaucer shakespeare and burns collections among the in the morgan collection which have bave greatly increased in value are are the dickens manuscripts manu cripes including that of A christmas carol which ex perte perta believe now would bring about to there also vaso is ii the manuscript of rays vanity fair and of Mil tons Pa paradise lost in the handwriting of the blind poets daughter the manuscripts of all the more important burns burno poems arp are to in the collection |