Show EAYRS drug pd d sundries ON MAIN STREET everything IN D DRUGS RU G S RUBBER requisites AND TOILET ARTICLES SODA ODA FOUNTAIN specialties ICE CREAM dr J IE harrison PYE YE specialist COMbiER commercial CIAL RICHFIELD BANK BAK BUILDING UTAH graduate northern illinois illinoi s college of ophthalmology regular trips to marysvale Marys vale and monroe at your home by appointment if you are looking Lookin gr ifor auto se service C e 1 91 aed bertelsen bros day or night marysvale Marys vale utah 66 T R henry enry assayer marysvale Marys vale utah J WIT d henry harness and shoe repairing marciale marysvale Marys Maryi vale ale utah dr C J heath ailt ghys phys aclan and surgeon utah 14 P crp arbell biall art graduate Su iveys plans E Estima S fea maps mine Sur Survey veya di krys vale utah wm E ite 4 1 1 at law marysvale Marys vale utah THE ilAY f AJ LE A KERY KE R v I 1 7 e a aj a a H aji j t we make anything yaa want why send away for bread when you have a bakery in town P E V ALLRED arop marysvale Marys vale utah SEI SEE LEE FAI fo GENE ri h A AND N D G fe e wo work rk T marysvale Marys vale utah as 1 t i the fo 0 P gy r ae arp tp on gutter butter wrapper sj giulo higher than bual on account af pf theorice the price of papera 60 t i do 90 sac j 00 rt 71 fk oia 99 C loeu kindly r bl a u t for tn F it a y your P orader or the rt lihi 3 tata sd vi rappers e rs w will be re ready I 1 foi saturday tj ja drug aru co prescription druggists we carry a full fall line of vel 1 vetina toilet articles C call for frea booklet on I 1 care cart of skin and hair 1 jisa keep an JL the money ay a J TT at na y bl i ri a I 1 bl ome floii 6 your local dealer is human he is is right on the job rain rain or sunshine every dabin day in the year he is ever ready to return your money or make a proper ex change if your purchase is not satisfactory he invests his money in merchandise for your urgent needs and wants of your community his profits on his investment in his business are no more aye no not t as much as yours he has his bad years just as often as you have yoila 06 crops he pays pay his just proportion of taxes into your comfort treasury he helps build your roads support your schools in fac fact help meet all local expenses jiust st as you do he has his little troit troubles bles an and ro off 0 days just as you do he is on the subscription list of your new church bior for mhd local poor for the relief of a citizen in distress he sympathizes with you in your sorrows rejoices with you in in your success cries brids with you laughs with you he is a friend indeed when you are in need he is your beig neighbor abor and ci citizen and like you he is a human and has a soul he believes in live and lot live principles and wants to elivd mid and enjoy enjoy your company and friendship he Is a necessity a tive ACes necessity sity in your little comi com dont ti try Y to drive him out of town you need him know your home dealer better keep the money at home hoffie and help build a bigger better and more prosperous coli corn for yourself and y your ou poster 0 a this n Is Is real citizenship CAMEROM 0 ali ft ij mercantile Tin binfor For A tyrant TYr TnT ira CO nr 1 ichi A MARYSVALE UTAH leaders of H high gh qualities it ies and low priced price N for foi 15 years 1 ecail artem cartem C hr q je we ir y sh has been known to the people of utah to 91 give i ve value for the least money besell only dependable watches and Jo jewelry elry at rock reek bottom prica brict a our method of watch repairing is uner unexcelled celled and absolutely guaranteed tonea stones mineral specimens ett cut polished and no n mounted o anted in any style of jewelry desired carters carter s jewelry shop aad send PARCEL work POST by Rich richfield fild utah |