Show if you need needa a medicine Me diCing you Should have th beti although Alt haugh here are ar e hundreds 0 of preparations advertised there t 1 lere Is only one that th a t really stands out preeminent pre eminent as aa a re remedy T for aisea diseases ses ot of the kidneys liver and bladder add 0 r dr ICIl mere swamp root noot Is not becom 1 mended tor for everything A worn sworn certificate of 0 f purity Is with every bottle you may receive a sample elze lote bottle of swamp root by parcel post address adar dr co iong hamton ha an N y and enclose ten tea cents ce ants 1317 r for orl sale atall I 1 dror drugstores stores in bo bottled tag of two wo sizes jat ac 0 and also mention this I 1 paper Adv HEAL YOUR SKIN TROUBLES with Cut leura th the quick sure and easy way trial free bathe bath e with Cuti cura soap dry ind and apply the ointment they s top stop i itching instantly clear away pimples blackheads blackhead black hea ds redness and roughness remove move dandruff and scalp irritation heal beal red rough and sore hands as well as most baby skin troubles free sample each by b mall mail with book address addre s s postcard Cuti Cuil cura dept I 1 L doston boston sold everywhere adv the effects of opiates N HAT INFANTS are peculiarly susceptible to opium and its various THAT preparations all of which are narcotic is ia well known even in the emal leat i oses loses if continued these opiates cause changes in the functions s and growth of the cells which are lik likely I 1 T to become perina permanent hent baua causing imbecility mental perversion a craving tor for a alcohol co hol or narcotics in later life nervous Jis diseases eases such as aa intractable nervous dyspepsia and lack of staying powers 7 ers are a result of dosing with opiates or narcotics to keep children quiet 91 m t their heir infancy the rule among physicians is that children should never receive opiates in the smallest doses doces for more than a day at a time and only then it if unavoidable the administration of anodynes Ano dynes drops cordials cordiali Cor dials soothing syrups and other narcotics to children by any but a physician cannot bo be too strongly decried and the druggist should not bea be a party arty to it children who are ff ill need the attention of a physician and if is i nothing less lesa than a crime to dose them willfully with narcotics i castoria contains no narcotics if it bears beara the signature rig nature of chas H fletcher jy genuine castoria always bears the signature atta of Qt ta Ky SwiMS THE HIGH QUALITY MACHINE NE E NOT SOLO SOLD UNDER A ANY Y OTHER NAME write fordree tor free booklet eints to be considered bf before purchasing a sewing machine learn the facts THE KEW HOME MACHINE km kill all FRE figes C T k they ra disease spread arl ah law ir fly kallor i ad d kals an U ft mafit altu orn atal muT mient md cheap had kaid oarl u C d d abt daisy D fly killer N s I 1 HAROLD SOMERS calib alep brooklyn N Y AGENTS eye sa ni adis sell themselves a lo 10 doz on only no ue ba ala dimig lt LIT I 1 FOR PERSONAL da Dui i olred in water for douche stops stop pelvic catarrh ulceration and 9 flam matlon mation by lydia I 1 E Pin khaia sn med co ses fee ten yeam A healing wonder for rasal haftl catarrh cata rr sore ore throat and ore tore t re ye yes economical I 1 H A n power I 1 1 ff soe C all U er r by I 1 ana 71 P T 1 LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED by Ct tr Blie klei fills lo 10 dp f poured tired br WM becu they t t whre tha auns WE til write writ for or booklet and 1 n lo 0 da clr ikpe blacklin Black Blat kies lil fills iia f pk ike blacki pills use try ny tor but cuttles diee the th of 0 coutur products product it is duo due to otar IS 15 rein vas or of x ibi n it in aln vac elves and rumi only n 1 y lidit sid n Cul tr it if aylo R amb 1 order r dar direct 1 THE CUTTER R Y a a r ek ally PARKERS PARKER 8 HAIR AIR BALSAM tolett ot merit rpt apt to for Ret torin color end to or fadd alo md aloft at FOR ACUTE ACHES OF THE FEET 8 sprinkle p one or two allens alien foot rase powders 1 in the yoot foot bath and soak and rub nib tb the e fet feet it takes the sting out ot of coma and bun bunions tons and ll 11 e hing feet then for comfort bhika 10 judene n le root foot lesse ease into your shoes aa all dellers sell 11 it sample pic kago FR REE SREE S Aid rpsa aalen S tod le roy y NV N 2 W N U salt lake city no 27 1915 1916 IF its s a picnic getting ready for a a picnic if you choose spanish ohve 0 aves pickles pi ic klis e sweet relph pm ham loaf veal lost mcken chicken C loaf loa fruit preserves preserve jenies jellies apple appl butler but ter luncheon lunche on meats pork and beans 7 ready to serve food insist on ai your grocers libby libby IS Z YO U as liar IS 5 1211 L I 1 A 13 L E he wants to hold your trade i a sy v i i and tries to sell you brands brand S i he knows you will like he is always ready to recommend RG MAKING baoming POWDER ask him IF YOU on ANY fruend suffer buffer with rheumatism or neuritis acute or chronic 1 I 1 W write rate for my MEE BOOK on rheumatism u its I 1 cabine u a and n d cure most wonderful book ever written ritten 61 its t s ab absolutely cutely FREE jeise A baue cepl C W wi Drock brockton wa ad adv h t t ta n d T T a 10 iq a n n Z unlike common com corn flakes the new post Toa sties don kmush t mush down when milk or cream is added and they have a charming new flavour fla i bour delicious 7 j t different the true essence of the corn t not found an I 1 I 1 corri corn flakes heretofore V J the intense heat of the new process of Manu manufacture factum causes raises tiny bubbles on each delicious brown fl flake a ke and these little puffs are the identifying feature i these theme new flakes are firmer 1 risper crisper and dort don t crumble in the package in comparison ordinary corn flakes are as cl chaff lafE i I 1 your grocer can send you a package of new W post oat Toa ocl sties otles |