Show OUT FOR HUG HE S DECLINES TO MAKE RACE ON THIRD TICKET AND WILL SUP POT PORT THE republicans progressive national committee de 1 clde I to support hughes in cc corn m ing campaign when col colonel nel makes known his attitude chicago at the end of a stormy session here on monday june 26 tho the national committee of the progressive party by a vote of 32 to 6 with nine members members declining to vote endorsed charles E hughes tor for president and and the ithe progressive party practically went out ot of existence as a national organization this action of the progressives Progress ives came after a letter had been read from colonel theodore Roose roosevelt veli in which he finally declined the presidential ident ial nomination of the party and urged that charles S Z hughes be supported in order older to defeat president wilson in his letter declining the nomination for president on the progressive ticket colonel roosevelt in giving reasons for his favoring the candidacy of charles E hughes said it has become entirely evident that the people under existing conditions are not prepared to accept a third party it remains for vi ua good humo and with common sense to face the s situation itu a tion and endeavor to get out of it the best that it can be made to yield from the standpoint 0 of f the interests of the nation as a whole the pres present brit administration through its is three years of life ha has been guilty of shortcomings more signal than those of any administration since the days dayi of buchanan ilmy in my judgment the nomination of mr hughes Hughe meets the conditions set forth in the statement of the vive oho vat national ional committee issued last january and in my own statements under existing circumstances the nomination of a third ticket would in my judgment be merely a move in the ahe interest of the election of mr wilson goi 1 I regard mr air hughes as a man whose public record la Is a guarantee that he will not merely stand tor for a program of clean cut americanism before election but will resolutely and in good faith put it through if elected it would be a grave detriment to the country to reelect re elect mr air wilson 1 I s shall hall therefore strongly support mr hughes such being the case it la is unnecessary to say that I 1 cannot accept the nomination on a third ticket ido I 1 do not believe that there should be a third ticket in mr wilsons Wll Wil sons case we do not have to consider his words but his deeds his deeds absolutely contradict his words and for the matter of that his words absolutely contradict one another we owe all our present trouble with the professional german amerl ameri can element in the united states to mr wilsons Wll Wil sons timid and vacillating course during the last two years As regards mexico the situation which mr wilson allson confronted w was nothing like as difficult as that which president mckinley confronted in connection eon with cuba and the philippines at the time of the spanish war 1 I w wish ish very very solemnly to ask the representatives of the progressive party to consider at this time only the welfare of the people of the united states we shall prove false to our ideals and our profession it if in this grave crisis of the nations life we permit ourselves to be awer swerved v ed from the one prime duty of serving with cool judgment and sin gle minded devotion the nations needs mr wilson and his party have in actual practice lamentably failed to safeguard the interest and honor of the united states they have brought us to impotence abroad and to division and weakness at home mr hughes has shown in his career the instinct of efficiency which will guarantee that under him the government will once more work with vigor and force he possesses that habit of straightforward thinking which means that his words will be correlated with his deeds and translated into facts his past career Is the warrant for our belief that he will be the unfaltering opponent of that system of invisible government which finds ands expression in the domination of the party boss and the party ma machine chine his past career is a guarantee that whatever he says before election will be made good by his acts after eec bec tion morally his public record shows him to be a man of unbending integrity intellectually it shows him to r be a manof original and trained ability we have the alternative of continuing in office an administration which has proved a lamentable failure or of putting into office an administration which we have every reason to believe will function with efficiency tor for the interest and honor of all our people 1 I earnestly bespeak from my fellow progressive progressives Progress iv ives es their ungrudging support of mr air hughes |