Show our st cal bast many experienced travelers prefer arefe r tourist sleeping cars to the ti ans continental journey the ca STPAUL can arrange for your trip east in tourist cars offer you choice of routes and trains daily utah to chicago a 0 B M B W H E aa B C S WILLIAMS commercial agent IQ west second south st salt 15 L lake like city bmw Es 40 0 xia t A RIP TO THE I 1 WO WORL R L DS P FAIR A I 1 R jj IS practically LY I 1 A TRIP RIP T AROUND THE WORLD lor I or comfort con fort mid and convenience TRAVEL VIA THE SANTA FEA trip trl vin this lizie liue is an aducat education ion ill itself write ine in u lor foi lucip bateh alq rice free literature call savu you mouei ey C 17 WARREN general agent e stilt salt lake city cit utah A T S rH FW V B Q B z MW M a fl i S 3 a TT 0 to r the r v f h aya r ur B worlds ail awl a chauffe U hana e how you go if you go in ill the burlington routes daily through sleeper leaves salt lake cit city y at p iii which Is a convenient time thile to start reaches st louisae louis at am n which is a convenient tinie time to arrive no hurried pac packing king here no house or hotel hunting ip ill the he darkness there send me your address and I 1 will send you full particulars tic fiC ulars LIars I 1 I 1 arsier all ali questions personally my business TICKET OFFICE 79 W V SECOND SOUTH ST R F SALT LAKE CITY macum a WON 0 am s M ia a JOHN bertelsen bros blacksmiths and wheelwrights Wheel wrights ot ark rw kinds neatly of repair done ut butali ah 50 YEARS experience TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHT ac anyone bentling ment ling a alt 1 tib b alln binl 4 way a 7 u 1 our r opinion 11 0 1 free 11 whether a an la probably Men table commune lt confident F al IIA h pa ba 0 K on patena sent free for r u fla taken agency t ioann k t to co without ct tina in the tha I 1 handsomely w weakly clr atle of any tany so joiiya Jo iima ZI tenus 3 a aart four our L by arll all rewA rend calmi dealers maco ca a y new flew york omeo th CO P r st gl was hinston D C Q CINER ISO 00 SC mcva a vat by through to and nd from torn the following omaha nob neb lit st paul minn st loul louis xo mo minneapolis montt Jil rift fooria iii kansas city mo ayans ville lui led memphis tona tenn Kash vill tenn tena cincinnati ohio atlanta Atlan tn get da ky Jach souville fla now new Orlo ort aus caus let la Vicks vicksburg burz MISS ML weekly b artice ealce between beti Teea chicago and between tw an Cino lunati and tho the pacific coast and Alon taun territory Conne wons as t these terminals tor for aba HD III rant fast and ana handsomely equipped steam heated trains train dining cr care bullet librara cr cars bleeding bleeping Ble cars CanS areg rc reclining chair cars can i i ask ticket agents for tickets via the ILLIN ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD or asly to I 1 J 1 A A A FOLEY ant 1 I city 1 14 7 WL |