Show mi 5 m am gam g m ewt aaka M K I 1 to fal I 1 NN ax alt Q 40 0 G G t EN OUR omi GLORI glorious GLO RIOtS F LAG FLAG N by BRIANT 14 0 it in afie sun tile alac llac right and might ahe the line fi which our fathers fought thep tig for which wv we 11 gh lt emblem of it a glor glorious loua land whose whore aadil tall nair all tho thala ts fair A I 1 fling your colors colora to lo tile the breeze in glorvi glorisi blending ble there thera incite your jour foll followers ow ers to deeds alow to of iv love for the I 1 aca 1 show your colors to all the ito world thou pr proud oua apil and free and when the fremen come abong and e A might P all ail A il to T bear thee from thy well emrud L 1 place theo baak kal n show thoi now GW unto ta the 18 worl M eliat abal g lt joua ous colors color abot I 1 show all NY va love then sc loved hp dl ten and binl bow 1 aide guide the boys boya on n in ID their f dinall the while and it if youie e coorts with their blood afi shiaw 1 them how to hinlle tell them of 0 thy mighty daeda of how holy aw gone by f ulber other men hite have bled fur for thee how they sw d down to id dlo die t ws and howo how as aai yea eyes t were dimming rast fast tuii then up on thee floating grandly graild ly in tile the brez thou 0 A tell them how ir if they inest fall dallof of ho hajou you watch their pain 1 theiu how you love them how bow youIt tiow izeyll tle rise agacki ali 1 w tell them how their lares blood has put yolar colors colora there 0 tell that fortea anil and you will their catnes all bear a iv i r tell thein the liow low your colors colora weep your baue le i for the sky 1 t tito the white Is for all tile the red for chifa that die a Z your stars tire shining emblems that 1 forelli nigh highland tand bety I 1 I your ohl so deiterly dearly bought but t put there thera to stay 3 11 tell ahm m how to look on oil you how lo 10 0 o fintch ou wave v f jaja jig how your sheen of glory tile the v 1 I a heroes gruye grave at f 41 aw fald spring corti orelli now into the light grand r r A I 1 hold thy place forer stay while tile the ea earth rth shall stand r fc y r oh thou glur glorious lous ensign thou what whal th thought ought our minds as thou all 11 eflin deeds oad of during aring an and of might you j hall all our minds lu austill still i w so bo fling your colors to t the bre breeza 23 and 81 0 y how grand thou art fl or of every true tnie american n br breath elith a petri M f J hii 4 I 1 lad U 1 |