Show T THE FREE B 4 LANCE PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY IN M MARYSVALE TOW TERMS PER YEAR 7 devoted to 0 o the he interests ale resti of 0 the GREAT y J AIT BALDY COLD BELT which I 1 in J S dudes the abc failous GOLD MOUNTAIN sh DISTRICT X X X X X X ir THE FREE LANCE 0 0 0 covering as it des the southeastern 3 portion of the state and the r coming os aing ays greatest greatest mining belt on earth is the best cst advertising in in the state i THE FREE LANCE job Dep department artmen aasa yr is ft up bt best i cheapen Chea la 14 southern South utah 1 a 1 A A MAGAZIN OF 1 should have a well purple ti e binl add arp are the ilia motive of tile the smart set he tho WO MOST S T S successful U 0 C E S S F U L 0 OF F al MAGAZINES A G A Z I 1 N E S 1 j e 11 1 I 1 1 its NOVELS a 4 completa comple tp qua ous I 1 ip each number are by the most brilliant authors tit ora 0 of both hemispheres its SHOUT are matchless olean anil fan full of human interest tho its yering ed the entire field fie d of eroe anthos love lova humor tender pent nea la is hy by the ithe most popular poeta iii enan of the day I 1 its JOKES witticisms etc app the most mitt mil t ing 11 t 6 0 PAGES delightful READING no pages ste are WASTED on ell chap elp III s edit orla I 1 vapor vapo inge or weary ludene lug esgana ind and idle will INTE REST CHARM and boll hub scribe now per year remit reina in cheque P 0 or express ard order er letter to THE HET 02 2 FIFTH UP NEWYORK KEW YORK H 11 1 gample COPLES COPIES SENT FREE application N A GENTLEMAN L E M in washington D 0 writes us tho the free lanco lance is always read with a great deal deaf of pleasure 11 I 1 AHE A ati HE E Y YOU 0 U A S subscriber U S C L 11 E R 7 if not why nota not politics russian lap anese war stirring events of all fillds jj NOT OT keep posted LA 8 a 0 o hays a y NIT WAS D fp TF ONE ladya filp cipry boeg OF OF N 1 I W cough nearly a night almog writes tire mr clime AND LIVE TABLETS ind Is and coil id hard y have hat I 1 believe sold fifty boxes of 0 got get roy any sleep loop I 1 b baci act consumption OR b ato rn a ch ani an bad that if I 1 walked a block alck I 1 would couil tablet tableta on the bacom n of 0 one couye frightfully ano spit pit blood t out lady bore bete who first bought p bo I 1 0 of when all ollier oilier failed failed three them theiu about a year vear UKO ugo ahe nver tires res boltus of dr giuga new discovery of telling her neighbors and wholly cured ine ilia and I 1 gained 63 53 about the good qu qualities alliUs pi these theia tab po pounds ands 11 its absolutely gus gua atti P 4 M anniie druggist Il rochester oches to cure coughs cough colds colda la grippe ind ind the pleasant purgative effect bronchitis and all throat sail anil lu lung 0 9 of these I 1 tablets makes them thein a dav favorite i troubles lf 1110 ao and trial ath with ladies everywhere per for sale by bottles rree at john howes howee all dealers in ID patni pat ni nt medicines B BS S YOUNG sims MUS 18 1 MINES MINING STOCKS mayval ai WANTED WAR TED f aal bior a bid on shares ol of ut mt pluto idock who wallis it lam I 1 am also authorized to sell 30 COO shares apex 51 s III co stock a wyoming company coul parly good propose full particulars on request OFFER KED I 1 noid like bids pa lots of 0 from 60 to ao shares 0 of los cabin stock state your lowest cash price also like ilko on B D na W A it advocate dalton gold cold vela telli L lone ite Tr TIK VOR foft SALE GALE flue grocery dolny doing good binone reason 0 o YOU tiny any stock to aea thy you to buy any for sale s e janae or bond do you want to abny my mining properties or business chii chai nica leep let me hear from i 0 on samuel L page j Mary altal wa J J H ERICKSON ATTORNEY A AT JA AV JV richfield utah WM E WHITIE WHITE LAW 1 mat marysa Mary sv to uta 4 1 GILBE GILBERT R T BEEBE SL in if tion to civil an ano P t alce ce examines trues mares otist draws contracts and ami BU 11 kin 48 of legal ocum enta 1 function i on 1 pta NOTICE you FOR publish lu iq uio the airree alnee I ince 0 or Marys no ko T ape abe interior f an j we A 16 1 11 91 I ilk ahe 1 city utah k t junt 14 noti hotl io tl 1 I given that that th tha following nim n ed d netiler lips ling nied noille iii itle 0 ot this li hi t to mako anil jn it support of ills elala all alij r I 1 fool will be incle mj la before the cherol cler the he district court in for wayne county i nt lo 10 i on ayi vl E manx 1 I held II if E IW for the N 1 4 M lots r 1 2 bec 17 tp 2 1 it 3 F 8 1 M lie ile names illi following to prove ills jill 1 continuous resided coupon of 4 and law it 1 kies hees 1 it A 11 ili etab RH II 11 4 abed ap qt q Freni ont c afu D hobbs peg ft egister liter 43 il 41 IN THE UNITED STATES COURT DISTRICT OF DF UTAH I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 p alio mattay of i i bucolt no 43 in 3 involuntary bankrupt NOTICE TO CREDITOR I 1 berea on oil tile il day of march 1303 siegel rio nothing thing COm PallY derrll ind and do company pa piny alons co 0 if institution r P kuetbach anil and brother romney shoe C compary salt like hardware company 3 cosgriff couzens compans rom Com pirty pans salt bait uke take candy caud 1 alark eldredge and company Coin panY henry dinwoodey furn I 1 lure campany corporations corpora tlona and and partners as credi tors blied flied a petition in chirt asking that scott ai oCean of kimberly in gao ho count county y 01 0 and state of etith a 11 ba and whereas on the day of it june 1141 tia Z slid sald aboe named creditors aled a lefiti 0 n fot for the dismissal or of said petition and tile pr 0 aeed s ings herein I 1 said scott mccullin mcclellan now lore all the creditors of tho the said f cott mcclelian IIan and all otter interested Interest fd parties are notified 0 o be and appear at said court 1 in salt lake city utah pt atlen ten in the tha forenoon of otibe the today of july ana an show cause causa it any ally they hate bare mav ilia hie proceedings herein should not to be V witness the Itono Ilono raUe rable john A marall judge of mid curi and nd the seal ical L ser I 1 thereof at salt ladd city in said district I 1 on this as ilay day ef ju ne 1004 jerrold it letcher Lel clur clerk ganner LIVERY V E R T f single g tid po rigs ana an add ap call all MINING MEN AIE FISUER AIES tourte 4 AND Ol ota HElta 3 utai W fco 41 j |