Show G it 2 1 1 ee 12 91 UT 1 t 1 1721 a 1 1 1 11 7 1 za 1 0 za W a A A t talo I 1 e of the people 0 of f tin thi i 1 i 41 11 i il t a 4 NOVEL 5 h A T n by ia t s 1 I y YOUNG t i 91 by SIXTH C continued roro lait neck for many days dan our work cou tinned dill did I 1 laical the lie dil talla of the plans I 1 had bad fort formed ned and slowly enouf enough it they passed too for it ceryes eliere were strung to lo it a horrible I 1 could hardly tiong the found of pick null anti al shovel lovell as they grated oil tile the ground no ebat I 1 was weI weakening elling III my illy plans of ven vengeance geanie but that I 1 luid corked myself ll 11 up ull to lc such it 11 aleli walling thu tho little I 1 for t ilist I 1 wail vale lot lost I 1 hould in nun tier commit iny abid then of my illy intentions we hail list accumulated som erinc 11 twenty or thirty bars d about four our lourds each w aich wu wo lead had reduced hy lint ili prea precious lows at nos nen by it ioto into tile the alimae we desire ready fur for in addition we imd had ly by inventory diamond wel lilii log from roil U to to about 34 carets und and outlier quant itlen of fit rubles to topa khz gardels and As astir our wealth grew we were wera apar lien alve at as botho to thu best latmer in which wo we could vast of if chuie nril arli clys alre nn lit in tho a thero wits too much to curry carry with walh tirs a from where wu we were back to t alie eit steril st itai but lt at latil laal wf I 1 tny oily we advisedly aorl for r haij had mop appeared eared to enter cull oily into their plaus aln ais us as not to arotine formulated a alita hereby hv reby it was do lie burk in it ory manner and nd which wits that lit 0 o fuu na 09 wo we hud had 14 u our forst litia li tid 90 0 o 16 0 o the nearest or caknip 0 and buy some small aloer pots IL id ke k I eing our idea to tilde the hu in ili tilt butlo biH lomot i of ilia poto anti and then lien cover ahrin up vill wild llott eis wt we imd hud found growing on the WIN in great pro profi Kion i As aa all thu the pl pantis tits were in turn accepted htiu and tills this wv at last lilt hit I 1 mentally to lu till think of their tile of nf my treasure lie asure to their benol lt though wily I 1 did I 1 know not for my lily plans were mere too fully completed complot cd to tromble myself about their tile me af f any thing our one wealth wars warn now and we hul hod concluded on oil a beamut ful 11 eveni tig just two eairs ilter ilia date of our home that hint WO we should 0 nit ilia he begia linel para liziie for jur that ye we could come baak lu at uny noy time and re reinforce our Wf LiLl now thought r ills la the dilvo to strike they never llva live to tell lell of their discovery to share ihra ny my wealth As I 1 look wel buck no after tills long long latip te of twilit I 1 litiuz bot ot hii i again do I 1 see sea tile the little grolla ns its it wits atiat night oua many lia hii toy my mind up nit tittle little amoia of that lime ilene till 11 the titina 11 bold relief ha they did billat illat eve before ti for illy vision Tottering um above ua tip to the left ifft war wait abo oli old all chasn the hilland hilll aind if the valleys etching sr giwa pid la in their mellow lights light guld anti and green a villa of cattle aud and heavenly hew licA venly above ua il tile thu azare eks un illing als af they hooked docu upun upon us tend away off lit in tl it e whether or ral ulav r ltv I 1 canoot say bay thedeas alm afar rill ind ario llo 0 nn und and over all 11 a co sense at und tend of efeim ealise ine afi reclining wi il hill elbow and out tic nt I 1 ull nil wits fort Fordt gully gally talking of J 1111 wire wife mid and lightly wat battini tini thu ilia from lip in tairi illint air wid und doze sitting ut m the other side or fin foist st was declaring hs intentions nf fit taking his hl money tind wife sell on oil tits lita and I 1 tit in the alfiea state till to at life of aul uie t and tand plenty tall on ye ellout anil and ii fawls your fioura tire numbered us its surely iw as the ahns oi of fate your lips DOW wreathed tn lei enteles will but reflect the buo of death when ilia tio euil will leave got ht ai adwalt nui walt ili wid uld your dreary of dealt will vill leave livo fad faded ami left ye naught but buta a gilece of clity clay on oil tile world hint yo now see aeo batie buti nth eath your frel smile on oil on yo hapy ories onca unit and while y ye broam mild and ot of ditnes eliat hut tire not to collie tilt lie you tile smiled it and all you ya havo davd gidoll ine ile will niante wily way for tile the cry of lif leil til atilt and I 1 tile tie allies or of inoc mockery of fate wilt will have faded abway grell greeli and roll fold lii Is tile vally vail gola akl und and gold alone la Is your adreani it remain lo 10 you wid mid to lo me lne ani idt 1 l it of at MY lay dr dreams eanis Siti lleon after writing tile above alil ill I 1 shik buck back on my iny bed abid to to my mind there cattle it 11 dmn and fair it wua was ton I 1 saw lily wife ifo wid und my iny child once onca bigall and bamide them stood ilia iho silent borins or of du anti and forst for I 1 und anti as I 1 saw then lait hut lynli do di r these suli sub joints will revert to tile nie anti ills ls not strange I 1 hill they HH am will bo be suen lei in tile the light of what folios fo liow on oil thi next nit it ray gay and lively MH forst forat to tn und and slug ing iller rily while inz though roll wont louive rive wry wily to lo tiny t how chow of 0 en e N feeling feell liK wits for guily 0 H little but bill I 1 instead of lei III tile light nf if RIV my coll pit ale a 1 0 my bartt JAr i atiat tt por poor follow fellow asked tile tile hie reanon I 1 ga v e M u I 1 esty reply whereat lie guined to lo nd Mette laks my illy vell pralle rialto ore eliat our friend would with its q enk but lit it heafy less tone tolle ii tills light and flippant manner niRi iner lie in which lie jm jarred red upon me allot ald histo ai of ri replying as I 1 should alave ilave dune done juki joki for fir jace j ice I 1 deliberately turned lily baclit upon them anti with allt Vily allying lili further heed bord to them mada katip my illy ivay hay ID the crotto where I 1 was followed rull owed tot not utter by forst alad doze ard now comes llie ilia recital of at part f my liln lory which while ill ahn a tears will stream down my illy foce lei in spite of lily efforts to cheout them tilt lit lei in which I 1 lost my belai being us its a lilon my tawn honorl uy lily paltry ambitions and tiling per to it pt rhou that would daj duruo gl olita potA tile lne nud and indol eat ills fellow 1 inan und looking them thein in the taiji a ay 1 I urn ant All all nil I 1 lot for gold led 1110 lilt luliak a path lilt blut i lead I 1 to retrace I 1 would borew with tile conors of si a holy boty or pure ife amstead of goal benl seeds of abid crime calnie hoarce can I 1 write rito tills this part of toy my amie my illy lort lor lires tores being vt ex but I 1 will not my illy aalf but will almy open to tit ihn world mirld a icar or tile ango of life of 6 aderson nud and I 1 lily alny hero here writing till my lily bell at tic tn with ilia ali justice meted out olit by nnnie 91 1 19 haild anal ami but repaid 5 jhc tile tir or tile the to tc tile mouth of tilt hiu sed vry I 1 eil ed virry hard while fora had bad KIO gione to tile clarup md lind gottell ilia ahe nice spary articles artl arti drs clos md anti i lie had returned the work went ent merrily on in I 1 only uli at a onu ua daring to hold coa var P will these iny illy vInt lills at last the luff drew on oil the time fur for quilting work would soon scon arrive everything wua wati in ili aldip shape alpe for removal leiu oval and then as I 1 c malderey tills tile the will ticul hd approached I 1 was u us ili III nn all state my ay hend throbbing my lauds ii lilUn us alli I 1 y palsy my eyes burning lit in their aioo abuk 1 fla eis lily 1 lluc ifa trembling already could I 1 bee tile dead men ai I 1 thought I 1 ahw they would lol 1 the futol drew nearer anil and fourer und my lily breath camo came til lei gasps relieved only by gaslight gather gained by my lily frenzy and at last ua as foot with drew to lo pr in pare paie supper I 1 full felt as aa though I 1 should drop lilt hut tills will naver do you favot looked at tile the too loo fien faced ilia thing lik in loo ilia many ny ligh I 1 weighed tile clin neeli loo care carefully runy to be hedluno hed lulo slow now if abey would be foolam let them thein reap their 0 own wn reward the bitne had coina comet going over to the of tho the hidden benwell well bracing in attla for tills this tile the vom complete of nf my luy encin les did I 1 suddenly ten thou ond der nolis of 1101 possessed tile me I 1 do ll it or tile adlei I 1 would mould cinalt anak or iv lose nil alit Ci calling alling doze do sr in ili an n exulted t ina tiner I 1 bill bid title come to where I 1 wai lip lie not lit fertit and I 1 wits ap for a moment that lay platis plana were but my beark cars proved I 1 groundless for I 1 knoo lilet ili waihing toward ilia IB very slowly lv nn as it if in tullon at last lie ile reached me ine tile the fool bald aliat do you suppo suppose e is 13 tile the matter malter with ilia IDO somehow Boine how I 1 have a queer about me as if there was ans evil in tile the air 1 I Filli simply lilly with answering awerin him hill that thai lie was waa evit laboring under tiie ilia excitement caused by being byln lo ho benr t departure froin tile llie place that hint li had tl now liow become soi ia odious to us na till nil to 0 o which lie he re that lie gues ded I 1 was light nud and the theia in the haine breath bieth asked UK tile wily I 1 iad had called lid ailin the aliu verg 1 ex pinned to him blin my lily lis overy without adding of f course my own intentions and as lie he alberti cirlia king lei every word with distended yet y as it if til oh ready gloa over it newly discovered r treasure lie he some lj new w I 1 gut ss I 1 will wilf call forst fors ti ll 11 and started on oil ills loi amii calling hin beck I 1 bald W hits 1 I us thin kluK lie he would halk me ine lei in tills my hour of oil oh well ile he answered 1 I thought w s ellig eing ile would ho bt as cit inter euleil as U ua 4 lie hii would wanter know about it luul and help ua explore ll 11 0 pshaw doze the Is evidently only it for 1 dotso not 80 vali table let ua its e villore it ami then it if there isi Is tell and him heitl by we te of it all acht ho unwillingly will angly acceded you on oll auit t f v will follow 11 r re I 1 impulsively revolted from the edge what well I 1 will lead lea 11 II 1 1 anti and you ou fallow itald we will ill tat me e what t it II 1 1 I iu must list say turning slowly uro alid dilill f lellig tile mf and peaking very 1 I there lc it in ill this I 1 dont till in cliine hill I 1 warn oil I 1 there is any in blO la ill 11 tit ac J on you hound then turning tig to 50 it helid see tie lie I 1 tiro am behind him hill he gunem over holds up lip tile the light tin if trying to alerce the gloom nearer yet nearer lie he ampro ches tile hit f ital fital edge tic ho it t on oil it ft t push t i cry field and I 1 urn aloin I 1 shrink back from froin alip fateful as from a tind can but stand alid gaz amp stupefied at tile tho place lie stood I 1 am ted til alone okle what is laibl horrible thing ampro aching wild what N 1 it il lindl ff 1 what ila t tire HI C you vote mull mao or devil for goda sake aiko tilice it away it la Is coming closer I 1 aall see bee ll it yet it Is ia cmil coming ilig ma ine 1 I feel ff el ila breath ith all god it hns hits me in its 4 I 1 all am colont auli there feet feell lles lea the louy body oftay late compan companion joil ft smile of horror upon its ila face its eyet glaring at tile me willell I 1 ice J till all time of trials all I 1 stand and KUO gaze at aall rr IT that blood thuri but a moment ngo ago in nil all tho glory ori ofa splendid luau anti and now low but ft a piece of marble I 1 bl lying there filere with tite atte hahl of 0 it n etnie cuiulo shedding iti rhys down upon it that 19 tile first now fir tile tha other one arousing Aro myself mal the ghe loa ion I 1 was under ili ID tile the bed fortu form I 1 quit kly dragged it to a place screened front from the light by one of if tilt the nit irble pil pillary so so it wag waa doatie nicely and well without it murmur without a groan lie went so 80 lla ilia tu in our life we strat ralo o noll mid struggle kali galli llie iha wf we the hie lop on oil the iuorno we will retire from a worlds work and hen h fahsl plunge inge wid and we are burled buried lit in the t deep oblivion of tile ilio dealt dead and tho the world moves on As aa soon noon as lie he was hlis hits disposed of did I 1 beglau to of forst and wondered would tho the time pass quickly walling g for hit coming for fir I 1 he taral birtt arime ln anted ted d 0 1 l me i AS it have done elated inu ino I 1 waited anil and halted aad pat patience lenell had given way to deo despair pair when I 1 1 board franl a loud allot long billal halio ec echo I 1 10 down the halls hallo of the he eavern fa vern leini I 1 bade him come quickly ly und find by tho the bund of uly my voice guided him to chiere I 1 stood whala Wh Bla up lit cried ua at lie ran tip lip wro iiii yi NI yo no 1 0 o have new IK here I 1 dont colitt know what to lo make of it net livas afraid to explore it po fo will walled let for you to lo and hid me 1 gnawer tha ilia wicked hf 11 9 falling failing from my lily mouth ua as readily us as ole la that so lie au answered in a jubilant voice unit nd tio a he became come to where I 1 aloud 1 out 1116 yawning mouth 0 i the hie place to him aa he neuter ahe fdge edge for some unknown reat loh my heart heem eem eed cd to ID lemp title into mir mouth fiaui 1111 vely speaking hut but awby I 1 CUIl cuenot liot lell 11 luy haps some joine ret nurie struck me ine at ural for what I 1 had doup und would do alii or ir the iha thoughts of tile ahe avire tit nt hoane walting the coming of her b beloved ved ane nv ila half it d me ina but fur lobig fur for my lily lie held ld too ifer it for tills this ulan to lo care lot fui the llie yu suun was waa I 1 f it ga I 1 it why what tt ft place lie where id 14 dozelll daize as aa new teenier to strike liim 1 I doul dont know I 1 answered if you to va tu what tills place pace Is why loul dont you find out kiil to we can hurry anil and have hav wv we el lets have supper then own ex pr breit eit it tilt I 1 wonder koi ider where doz i y nud half angly is lie views bews tile he place ilace and now bow I 1 belale tile tho denion demon that I 1 wu slen ven thon and light hilti i were danchig before me isie tim tile inias or r tile llie hud lif mad ia as I 1 stood and SAW vorst looking at niu ma lie seemed a moving buas of abid his pleas picas nut ant laugh sounded if to tile me ilka the fich or my lily blood con clence mcarce knowing know ina what I 1 wild or fir lilt did I 1 answered miza s there you fool and you will rI follow oV hlin aryl say lill iii wind afsprung If sprung at him blin as it a tiger on oil bli hl j pre prey Y all and d attempted to him 1 lu u ile he was stunned fora aorl moment am and I 1 thought lie he would go lit in but though bein gofa golit quite tilita lie wa vu yet wry very almony und and I 1 a weak puny pully thing lind my illy chances biln L alm 4 in indeed but the del p ra tile me I 1 wilf wai in a I 1 had blood blond on oil my hands tind would have morr when first I 1 grappled grapp lol lel with t lit he wag quiet wid my lily little coup was waa very nearly but bul recovering himself und and regi rr lit ili and lia ba lancea lunue it verl veri table struggle for it life begun ile he wai fight stig fur for wife and eife I 1 for wealth and revenge to be ba d net t meek |