Show SAID TO BE A the gocr lo 10 2 cabin is tho the property SAID TO BE ALL ALI RIGHT strike said to have been made at a depth teet 4 alie Belk L a t min ing company holds its annual meeting vic the independence notes and gleanings duoto as tile the free lance ed facts and figures to toPe prove ove ia asbert tons ions much ha aa it it has haa liftin merea awny giving statements never nayer heretofore known to tae world at larga lot lol the fact thet alln t through its s the words 11 ml baldy uniti mineral eral belt elt greatest on earth ima has belomy A saying layl ni HS as well as the bollig that wont eville cuino off in ill split of f con coll dillons as they really tire are in thid seer seek ion foil yet vet tile fact remains ni chit it lim liaa not yet presented a swall proportion of things ua as they arri are euit west north and kouth are beginning beg ining to lo realize the of the tha belt of this sent loti af its richness ric buess krel greal laeb fesq ond at d I 1 and diew comes another strike thal hat if true makes IL II one odthe of the greate greatest grea teat bt in the hie h history of tile the state stare of nl utah ulal pages of this mill paper co columns lunini in it other have been devoted gotlie to the ortho odthe franklin Franl clin syndicate and their work aud proposed work too in the elie log cabin a part of their n e holdings lio dings it il is suid it lias has been made that lius bus yet 0 jo o be equalled equal led la in this according tor to reports at a depth feet in the ilia log cabin unel nil immense ore 0 ra zone zo 1 aoi whose limits are as yet unknown has been beell alitt cut whose a afern ge a hany suy values taken take ii from all sides bides and roid quartered atal and given tile lie beat chances fur till nil average valuation it Is said auh gave essays assays returns of 32 to lo the ton some of the elie agist asasys have run irlin as 09 high os as per tots ton I 1 the lie yellow metal pre cioce she first cutting on i ground in thild values moie or less of a determinate altire have been in one instance till mi immense ore voli vain 83 feet in width gaye gave average values to tile toti ton through tills this were bareika that hint gave grenter value but it was not until tho the past fw few f w days that the iho rich ore zone has been rit tuck during the hie past NII an ail eminent geologist and ed tile the holdings of this syndicate whose flo dIngs yere were lilied at length iu in this paper at that tinie ai aa it result of this liis examination lib fie gave hi lils opinion that when the sulphide zone was t lie values would bo be greatly the words ot of this gentleman and annl many othera who have bave and britten in lie fame strain have been 4 verj rifled ded acid to tn lay iny there la Is in tile the mt alt baldy mineral heit halt grei greatest test oil nn virah eirls that true an ail exposure of ore that lis Is absolutely astound logi ovon even aslon an aril clein tho silt luke lake tribune gives alvea a along tile the lines line maje toy ly tills this some soine time til altice tice in ill regard to tile company building it 11 mill iut but accord according hig to 0 o that piper the oreg ori inn inal plans have been to tho the extent that eliere na as we sti spited ted and which vere the facts sit lit that thai time that where here tile the was to built build the rihl an on tile hie cottonwood side tiiu the franklin tunnel ail aa the tunnel those thom plans may ill ii avents be changed albough several of tile ot licals cals of werf were in fit Mauis vula elie first arst part of the week yet they irve given out no statements for or pub licati ni verifying tho tho As thova UVO wll w given only front from 11 heagany he arany the independence I 1 iiames and Ande anderse An derain rsm a couple of gif cripple crork creek operators tora have been ar ac for a week weed or more inore past HUI and ufer after nn an of lie file properties which mccullough und newton are developing hava hav decided to join issues with the iho latter and aist ito in opening tip dp tile the properties these are till ill experienced aid mining risen met and tho the fuel fact that they wove made preparations aft operate P r to tile the grounds in dry creek is F syl e eul it evidence ei evi deice deace thill mot there Is soini abw tiling thing gola goud oil the property fine ore has already beer en ell counte reil and the indications tire that leml it la Is of an ail eten eXten alre character A large stock of supplies hava been put in anil ft madu fur r an extensive of work tho Kol property lertY has ha be kieen te it re christened uio tile reaper belknap mining Alini fig ao co tile the annual meeting of stock stockholders holders or company was wa held in ill this city monday und ond officers ivere geee elected for fir the ensuing year vear us follow loy y 0 IJ 0 president A P rasmuss RaBBi uns v vice tice president J il al ll blausen ausen grads christensen treasurer simon larsen Lar seit director mr presented preseD led a report of the condition oath of alii company and the hie board of directors uiel the same duy day and arranged arrau ged for tho the raising of funds to meet all obligation continued on age 3 S ID TO BE A STRIKE continued front lit 14 pago page nicil tit I 1 carry cany on oil tile work of develops fit mr lurton larsen te ported lint lat lio lie was the work of orlye 11 lc tile the lui ohp tunnel la is now noty in a depth or of about rem cert aul the ollow mg iny of rock awas the ilie leal and most moal tn en cour ngIng yet reported A vein of a fijut 26 feet of coper rock hod ti ditl behli put cut through carried bromide and iron liters laeng about 4 feer or of tile ali littler it in i rt al sonie or oril I 1 bellig being highly 1111 with wit all ahn ore it in t liell eved billit allt infill aln which Is I 1 alio llio lie object odthe tunnel will lie reached within the itie noff nt 30 10 reet feet A I 1 lie otil look Is ia the bright es cst t for ibia iri r ltv ll it has been sit since it e tit work tit iram under inken imil the luiei tarn nuil nikl those wah it krat groat lions lioti of ihor f r ith suitably rewarded emori Iten per |