Show KM va H you Y 0 ta u ray pay for or WH W what hat H i you wy I 1 ou get yi i that is the way the burlington runs inns its dining car business and what you get is good the above expresses the basis of the popularity of 9 burlington dining cars it is an actual fact that the service and food in burlington di dining aning cars equal that of any high gra grade de restaurant you can call to mind and the prices pi ices as a general rule are less one of the best ways of becoming popular is to Milli minister SteT skillfully fully to the needs of the inner man and what we want is tea deserved po polarity pu larity r burlington al liners ners on all at hurling darling ton trains from leuver TICKET OFFICE 70 W SECOND SOUTH ST R F SALT LAKE CITY bg am B X B B S YOUNG UNITED STATUS SO P MINES MINING INING STOCKS K S marysvale Marys vale utah fil i ave lillig OW W ays is much e asaei than only y a few years ago by taking advantage of the new service on the UNION PACIFIC C A AND N D I 1 CHICAGO r MILWAUKEE STPAUL L I 1 N E a person can travel two whole days from salt lake to chicago without change of cars no trouble at all C S WILLIAMS commercial agent west second south st L salt lake city at RICHFIELD TT T mercantile COMPANY 0 manager HOLIDAY GOODS including TOYS and dovd XIE of ALL DESCRIPTION T T TA T 4 A 44 4 li LADIES department P A wo we aro making makin b cra a specialty special sp ocial ty of READY KEADY TO WEAR dresses skirts and etc I 1 IT 11 VIM l ALL GOODS for foi CASH ONLY no W I 1 a aa A 1 rs 1 I UTAH SPACIOUS convenient G aw X aai kukli t wa tk A aft ia LOV iab W 3 V H A A A lailay lai lay D 11 ZI I 1 0 a FREE HACK CONNECTS WITH ALL TR TRAINS al N S i i ri 31 r ami ss 1 3 ua mill T Etil enlarged arged remodeled re modeled and R re furnished df 11 THE ae 0 T W JL juo yU accommodations TO ALL mining alining men ahn may linvs business in traveling salesmen M aa E tou tourists ris ts a and others 1 A FREE HACK meets all trains at tho D R G station Static iii spacious shade coliado and a cordial welcome will greet greel you ul at the TL IF 4 n HOTi 0 re 1 40 aJL jmj MRS W L L JONES proprietor best clotel A in ill utah ulah rooms single or Knaul te I 1 my ibi M VL w 6 H WT IB I 1 j L jaeil m aasby OF 4 to the superiority of buck s stoves and rings ranges joaeph hendrickson endrickson II glenwood john 11 Jib panguitch mrs airs currie nielson monroe monroa david Adt Adi tins Maryf Mary vale ivale Alles Sarith hansen richfield bobil Ho Koso lihi 41 richfield clifield dr 11 X neill pat Anderson Iyo lle plea oples Escil laute hyrum hendrickson Hendric kion glenwood Oj enwood frank frrank latshaw Late haw wm bertelsen Re Be telsen sevier jamea richfield david 11 ainsworth mrs 51 E R NIc Intosh ccarles 1111 arler kimberly august ballina Br monroe oo H N hayes richfield Hl clifield lodge PI N 9 roundy aless mattle hattle davis kimberly charles hansen ld 8 F lamount FA mount george eph dastrup Dat richfield field J 13 frank Vet venice ilce bert ence richfield jennings richfield N 11 richfield J M bevier bob elliot Held anthony evka richfield joseph Fore inao trian Ati austin stin frank sto richfield 1 I NV junction ILD Gentry 0 sevier valley creamery co richfield alike Maryi Mary ivale avale II if f 3 tuft sevier ed fl heppler eppler mcafield U D ta mes mt o con Thu etna monroe henry home richfield win E white mary Alary a vale 4 arr john lV leaters aters Inver liry ury these people D V TA H inquire how Boti boullit olit ducks bucks stoves they liko like thern bliem WM 1 now i KIM |