Show tits tit issue of the I loth I 1 or tho the salt lt lalie mining put that moat excellent monthly bimonthly bi bl past its fourth annual mile p post asi from h b umble beginnings the review biks grown in favor exclusively on an its werl merits tB and has at its ita present prestige in du mill milling ing journalism without the aid of capital other than well directed energy and honesty ic neaty of purpose its ita reliability as asa it gath crerand cun denser of mining manhig newal has been one of its ita most TOO fc acceptable rea features while lie its enterprise antei prise in keeping a breast of most moat important industry hali haa made U tali talis Is exclusively bely ml mining nin g journal indispensable dispensa blo to lo every wideawake wide awake mining man eni employer employee investor i or pro prospector fi anatha and Free Lanoe wishes it many man y happy r returns of the daiv 11 |