Show IMPORTANT TO advertisers free lancet spits wants advertise 1 11 aen ta L hemore 1 kt belter I 1 but bill asoli make mitri letts on n thu dick ly y low princa brict tj ly by ou L ot of the state advertisers and ami za ap al aith ls who ayo continually sending r in ill contracts al faolu t rona one amic lo 10 1110 fifth the be prices I 1 char eh tired ed to lo kmeil patrons pul rons lb jb often oc 00 cm conr tit bf be I ul tons am not nob ulfred ulf ned with one 1 il k fus 1 bill eja in it ami ov or ills auh vuel lolle uini offering ott biting soine what better belaef lertha and pr priced iceo co ive V e have 16 no tulle time torun to run it a cor rez OR the patent was for jim pui pose Foo of preventing allver advertiser vt ver i tiser from froin getting inlo hilo th mhd free lance willious willio 0 afi the puh pub isher and the patell Ift file will I 1 STAY STA Y discarded ot of ilie acte kmim Is ibi it ineil ini il thu the paged 0 uru ure amt id alej ments ru re more inore than inice as aa bilci ly to ie c seen tind mim on a pageo m fc thy the freu free lauce thun than they would lie be on ti till shee sheet aea t that taut fact boue be aig fa equal makes arcy janwa apnea just juat twine tivice as aa valuable to the er another Anul lier to the adilen theer is ia round found ilithe ih he faut that I 1 lis nd ald in ill the fr free fre e lunce iri conspicuous because of the s eidee of other ui advertise vertise inesita 11 emadi tion that will vill contin tie none bione but bul first clum con verns will paty foint rj nf ftp cr n addition lo it hit U navan t ili h icum let luti wai lims ht allce the hie e circulation ol 01 ll 11 co mittY paper and lly aud are intelligent mid prosperous enrolls tind mid therefore mare likely I 1 lo 10 IL he gf 10 lo the thol tree lance is entill enlarging a und in aud alli iu in the course of df six mouths our rates for foi advertising will very likely fe H hereafter Hore e beafter re after ony one reply to i hilll settle the question of rates soi fan atthe publisher is ia oon concerned cernel |