Show GEOLOGY OT I 1 C A T OE MI BALDY GOLD BELT vr 1 l val ava A JUJA diw BY J F G GIBES IB BS 7 ji t te ai Z barring complex condit conditions tons caused by i V unusual abong the foothills on the tay east cast and mountains a dis t tance of from three to four miles taro geo logy of the marysvale division is easily read vit is clearly clearl yr evident that ansome depth 1 jhb ih e entire range is with a broken ir and faulted substructures sub of quartz tto and t that it may be credited Devonian age k 1 A small area to them orthof the gold run iv y canyon road presen presents tW 1 some omo contradictory i evidence the overlying limestone contains dla fossils sIls credi tedi to an earlier age than the is and A 1 devonian its presence ani cannot be discussed at chife time Y the preponderance pro of evidence is that t e the e area now represented represent edby by thoi mt baldy range and its ita north brn prolongation the ua mountains between millard and ra 1 sevier count counties les waa 3 andor jhb ocean durl 1 r P effig aag the Devon devonian taft ag ago hundreds perhaps y 7 0 of feet bf sandstone was depos it ditc itc d the succeeding lower carboniferous jl period covered the sandstone with a thick he be d of limestone 1 l at the celoso of jhb ih 0 lower carboniferous na 1 a w gentle upward oan trod an arki if the area under discussion rose above the surface of the ocean where it remained dur fe i S in S g the enormous lapse of time that inter fe vetoed between the closing centuries of the A lower and weH along towards the close of the Toi tUray age when an al ala ya 4 1 I most world wide cha change of lehl lerer occurred t 5 along the east cast I 1 side ide of and parallels paralle lf wity what is now known as the mt bit baldy range tl and its northern prolongation the Pa hvam ia range the earths crus crust fissured from we tho surface down to the region of molten 4 rock Y the ft suring was succeed nedeil ea by faulting guitia 4 and d an idea of the tremendous displacement y 1 may be formed from the statement that sf deer trail peak the tafe highest of quartzite is fully feet higher th anthe t 1 v valley alley while the eastern section of we the quartzite is ia bened beneath hund hundreds edh of feet V V of basalt and other eruptive material the displacement extended northerly a a distance 1 of nearly miles in sealer valley the sandstone so conspicuous along the east side of the mountains is on the y east side of the valley buried under hun dar ofa feet of en n tion material this stupendous displace o t ment is known as the sevier bevies fault fa T in tho the vicinity of Marys valea great fissure on tho the cast paralleled the thea seyler sevier fault and is now mark marked markedly edby by a fringe of basaltic foothills and volcanic volcan lc activity N must have continued overa 1 long period after comparative quiet reigned along tho the mt range the evidences of which arc found in tho the mixture of volcanic volca nib bombs and debris ini in a belt of oolitic bullion canyon represents a lateral fault i en extending tending 0 westerly westi orly from the sevier fault vie the apex of the divido divide between two milb milea and bullion is quartz tilte ite andis fully 1500 1506 feet highbie tham the quartzite to botho the north of bullion creel another aremon area of stupendous displacement exists along the cottonwood fault where deer tra trail 11 peak beal rises fully 1000 feet above tho quart quartzite zito on ane ridge to the south ov of CoUn the toyo topographical graphical ami anat cross section maps to which khe readers ho attention is invited will serve to illustrate the profound northerly and southerly faulting of the basic ic fo formation matlon of tife the mt it baldy range tilea of geology provo prove that tho the 1 ellk v 1 j V 1 4 att 5 yoc 1 l N 0 s s ca as wm 3 L 1 l aa W v jetti i t W V W at 1 l 1 t ut II 11 vj f J ca ai 4 i 11 r U MN P ti 0 ito ati Q tp i armr 1 orri rt lit arz i A at waa wa fea A 0 JW aff U at ap V N 0 ditl Wi tl 1 S ea A m j 1 I 1 I r aj LAP 0 W 04 0 Z e w X rrb k y to A ul i ha ja app j R R 1 j 1 1 W T V y ve ip 14 art ats rafn jaw M fal N at gp ay iy te ml 0 h twi Wl tW wl te 2 tf f A r i A aa 9 A 1 l 4 p 0 g v re i tc N NAV 7 2 4 AW s k llari rl va tt a t mt atti ifa W ya ji af bai al N A mw it ii all f X exl NAF aldy 1 nishat BELT diVani dynamical leal history ol of the region to the west and southwest of Marys marysvale vale is as follows A large area occupied by sandstone sand stene a limestone capping because of shrinkage of the earths molten 1 interior or be cause of the accumulation of gases se seeking eking lines of aasem easement tho the ic crust ru S t was wag fissured and broken into enormous fragments or mocks blocks some of the great masses maintained their position buethe but the larger portion settled down into ined tho the yielding mass of underlying igneous 0 matter from W those os e yawning 0 jis fissures stires enormous enor moun masses of iolite and birde birdseye eye porphyry oozed up f from aorl the earths melted 1 interior and formed mountain masses thousands of feet deep agam agalli the un unstable crust quivered quiVer alT with intense seismic forces theold Theol dand and but par partially dally healed wounds were opened and now new formed in the overl overly tg eruptive mass and great ta reat dykes of higl highly ilk MITI mineralized erali zed porphyry now mark the location and direction of many of 0 those ancient rents through the weight of the superimposed super imposed mass of eruptive material the associated of th d 11 ll A undo arly hig sandstone to the now f la quartzite there are area several everal fl localities where the sands sandstone 0 o no es taped those agencies and retains its old tinie time characteristics and insensibly merger eai into quartzite quatt zite as it nears the igneous for aidt tn briet period of comparative which succeeded the previous disturbances wasi brokel by by another uplift of the range aru along the central t poi bioni e tt andin from gold mountain south a distance stance dl 0 V some tom miles a great misuyo was formed formesi for medi from the surface muriace down to the region regio n 0 oc vi the mighty forces adree which splits t the northern portion of thAi Mt baldy range also formed lateral fissures extending east 4 erly Yand westerly from the great cen centrale cent rali trall rent those fissures became lines of ease ment for tile the vast massot mass ot of phon olitte mag 1 I t ma s seeking egress and the hot gaseous mud flowed upward anal formed great dykes of phonolite which to day cheerily clinks under the fector an occasional prospector a while the eruption of the phonolite Uto marks the last throes i of n nature in the mt baldy region subsequent local fissuring of the phonolite occur occurred redl and in connection with other fissures al I 1 ready formed bee became ame chi channels innels for the ups ward vard and lateral flow of gold and silver bearing solutions tiona 4 extinct craters fields of darks dark colo colored redl tra aa ito L ridges of vol danl breceda dykes and chimneys of obsidian inthe in the phonolite prove that local volcanic forces were con linued over a long period f after the wide 1 spread eruptive activity had ceased the rea readers dersa attention is now directed more particularly 1 to thi the topographical land and i t r cross section maps while we investigate the economical results of dynamics dy just described to avoid confusion th ehfe great porphyry dykes only have been mapped and the veins along the tren dof those dykes are prominently drawn the cross cros section shows the thet c peer Deer trait trail mine occupying a blanket contact which dips to the north at a about eight or ten degrees and is hidden by overlying debris irr ina that locality ideality the owners have blocked about ore fia having ving anay erager val valdorf value doof of tn or twelve dollars per ton about to the many carloads of ore were vere shipped and which netted the owners several hundred dollars doll tirs per ton in laadt silver and gold it altis believed that the contact derived iab filling by bk a from the north where eruption rock is ane in evidence and probable associated with a lateral fault the tee nigh high gradd graded oreo ore to tb the south doubtless owed its origin to tb wt absec sec andary movement of solutions passed pas t through the large body of ore leached beached it and transferred tile concentrates to tb the higher portion of the contact higher up on the th e deer trail escarpments 1 Is situated we the lucky boy that years ago yielded a large quantity of high gradle grade mercurial ore the origin of Is an unsolved problem still higher on tho the mountain side is situated the once famous pluto like the tha lucky boy bay it proved tb bea surface deposit in Ithie limestone stane theore was almost pure silvor silver and with no visible reason for its presence rs in a locality where are so unfavorable the first great porphyry dyke that tra verses almost the entire district occurs about three miles west from the mouthy of canyon and occupies the greaff northerly and southerly fault line aloner this d dyke is situated the nelson a vein of of gold bearing quartz quarts that projects above the grouted a great gre atwall wall I 1 afie branch vein is strong and its permanency has been proven it yields silver and ana gold goida the standard is a monster ledge find and yields lead idad silvi silver r and gold almost exclusively in sulphide sulp hidle conditions on the north endom end of the dyke I 1 is s situated the copper belt belf to the west of the crystal mine and trending nort northerly lierly Is a great dyke of por phyra that after traversing the marysvale Marys vale section bends northwesterly into the gold mountain district along this dyke is sit br adauto aruo a of high grade ore and now has exposed a 15 acot vein that averages 20 per ton ane property is being worked by pittsburg Pitts bura people and ought to develop into a bonanza down on the burlion bullion crook side the dyke forms the hanging the webster r a monster vein wit with h great chutes of galena and crystallized lead idad carrying gold gola and the basalt extends some three to four miles north of the canyon and is also bounded by rhyolite and other eruptive rocks the upward climb from robinsons to gold NI buntain is among amon 0 basaltic bas attic buttes weathered to fantastic shapes ani and highly colored or discolored through the action of str solutions the basalt extends to 0 4 NT A J lion tin IT an I 1 phon limestone p R i e mj looking N fra 0 00 ito w X N V silver space will not permit of any description of the horse heaven and other fine properties along the great webster dyke another monster dyko cuty the country from the east sided sIde of mt delano deli over into bullion canyon there is a large number of fine properties iez on there dyke and contiguous au 6 to it A study odthe maps will convince anyone at ab all familiar famil Samil far hir with the relation b between geological conditions andine and the occurrence of wins ind and values that the country to the west of presents one of the most inviting fields for intelligent investment to vo bb found in tale th united states 0 GOLD MOUNTAIN DIVISION alighting from the train at sevier station on the R X G W R R the observant traveler to ro gold mountain will notice that the rugged and broken foothills are ae composed of ba salti material As one proceeds westward and enters clear creek canyon ho he will note within a mile or so of gold mountain and to the stranger Is a subject of curiosity interest ter estand and study in some localizes loca lites the basalt caps the ahe rhyolite but in a general way it merges so gradually into the rhyolite that no line of mar kation is visible with the great sevier Sev iee fault and extending westerly the mhd earths crust was profoundly broken or lis along a line now represented by clear creek canyon and infers intersected acted and crossed by the great fracture which once extended irom from southwest of marysvale Marys vale along the present apex of the range through gold mountain and onward to the north into the range those principal pal fissures including innumerable parallel fissures were openings for the upward flow of r rhyolite and kindred eruptive material mater prior to the complete solidifying of the rhyolite the clear creek fracture reopened and basaltic material was forced up through the partially cong congealed daled rhyolite and which explains plains ox the blending of the line oi 01 can con tact beginning a short distance north of the 2 7 t 7 1 Z 7 7 7 7 a t BIA L J J A r I 1 ju ta 5 s 43 t zits V al aa iak q V 44 tria jo AW I 1 icv J I 1 t t 40 n A 0 lip t hail I 1 00 al Y al 40 e 30 IT 0 rCA L AR ran go r irm 0 UN TAIN DIVI SION M A in the fact that the gorge has been ploughed sloughed hed deep in a bed of basalt which as robinsons ranch is approached becomes more columnar in its structure the bed extends westerly from sevier station a distance of some fourteen miles where rhyolite becomes the country rock and formy forms the apex of 0 the range the earlier geological conditions of the mt alt baldy mineral belt are described in the marysvale Mary Marys avale vale division of 0 tho the subject and to ich abo respectfully referred annie laurie see topographical map a belt of birdseye porphyry extends southerly a distance of a mile or two and digap pears under the more recent rocks to the east of the annie laurio laurie an enormous belt bele comes in from mt belknap and forms the divide between kimberly basin and the head of deer creek and is also so far as exposure is conce conde rend the east cast local boundary of the birdseye this peculiar porphyry with its dark base barfty and ancl freckled with almost specks and spots extends westerly over the tiptop divide and down towards fish creek the dip of the magnificent annie laurio laurie vein or veins is towards tho the west and on that side at a distance of perhaps or feet from the droppings crop pings is a dyko dyke of porphyry entire entirely lf distinct from tho the country variety the locality where tho the dyke is most prominently exposed is on the hillside to the southwest of the blue bird the tiptop divide is as tho the apex 0 of a j large dyke of porphyry which occupies a nort northerly herly and sout southerly lierly fissure or inc of fa faulting uffing the great reat sevier lodge ledge with wit h its ita 1 1 1 marvelous wealth traverses this dyke on a mut southerly herly strike and upon which the tiptop and other bonanza claims are arc situated southwesterly from the tiptop tho formation cli changes anges the birdseye birtsey e por porphyry phyra on the surface at least g gives ives 1 way to rhyolite and tra Ira chite faulting is ia more conspicuous alq anc explosive volcanic activity more in evi derice within this area and well in towards grand old baldy is situated tho the fine property of the trappers pride the geology of the locality is given by a gentleman intimately associated bated with the mines and in ia as follows the country rock is altered which has undergone a series of 0 faulting and thereby tending to make it permeable to the action of mineralizing mineral izing solutions the faults so far as developments have determined are parallel piral lel with the veins thus far no lateral faulting has been encountered to tb the eat and southeast of the trappers pride and directly north of mt belknap is a great field of phonolite nearly all of wiach is highly stained with iron ox ide the locality yields beautiful specimens of nephritic phonolite several undeveloped but most promising veins vein s are opened with short tunnels the decomposed filling pans goldin gold lin milling quantities in a general way the gold mountain faults dykes and veins trend towards that stupendous uplift represented by baldy and belknap and Iner dentally |