Show NEW MINING MINING MA MAP P during the past three month tile the work of collecting ath lilt for ft a new mining map of the mt baldy region hios bus been going ort on in ili the free lance office work on the map inal will begin tit at once and no eclov t will vill be spared to malc make e it topographically and geologically n as correct as possible the gnap will vill be 9 x 13 indies ami will cover the entire jul mineral beral outcrop ol of gold mountain oh baldy diat icis ricly and the 13 IV H section down in sevier canyon in iii this labov labor and expense the pree free lance be assisted by those owning mining milling claims who desire to have bave their groups entered on the map inal and one dollar paid at once will insure the insertion A few of the principal claims calalin 4 will be biece isa rily y but outside ol of those mines notie none will be entered ent ercil unless paid lot for the free lance publisher respectfully declines to carry tile the en entire tire expense of 1 advertising adad tiding property for men inen who are not even to tho lin paper the map will he be published nud and it is now up to we the anine owners a to lo have their claims entered or not the gnap will be drawn to lo a scale sale on oil section and township lines those debritt desiring their groups d drawn in detail should correspond with this onice office as i to prices for the additional work woric |