Show A safe ll hiding iding 1 1 when PaL patrolman rolman george 0 of tile birst district drew his salary the ho other lay day he picked out ont a now crisp ten aen dollar bill and rolling t it ft into ashmall as small a wad as possible t rammed it into the bottoni bottom of ills his re volver polster holster says the aho cincinnati enquirer other poll policemen comen who had been watching nim were puzzled at act and asked 1 for an explanation at first li he e evaded but finally under pressure rep replied liel that his hig wife had a deadly fear of fa a pistol tion seemed to be satisfactory but in vl view law ortho of ho fact that he has bas not been married many months his lifs frie friends n i ds are won wondering wonderlin derin how he managed to catch on so quietly qui ekly dy |