Show bif GEOLOGY G OF aft T BALDY B GOLD BELT RY BYJ F G GIBES I 1 B B S 1111 ll 11 f fu V L Marys irys valc vale division barring complex condit conditions lond caused by unusual faulting along the foo foothills chills on the east and andrack back into the mountains a dir dip tance of from three to four miles th the 3 oo geo i logy of the marysvale Marys vale vald division is easily read v it Is clearly evident that at some depth tho the entire range is with a broken 1 n and faulted substructure of tite and that it may he be credited to the devonian bevoni ln a ago ae e i 1 A small area to the north of the gold run canyon road presents some contradictory evidence tho the overlying limestone contains fossils credited to an earlier age than the i devonian its presence is an enigi enigma a and cannot be discussed at this time if lt the preponderance of evidence is that f the area now represented by the mt baldy range and its northern northera prolongation ution the mountains between millard and sevier counties was under the ocean dur t jg ing the Q devonian age hundreds perhaps thousands of feet of sandstone was depos i cited the succeeding lower ly period covered the sandstone with a thick 1 1 ad bed oi of limestone 1 n at tho the close of the lower carba carboniferous nife rolis a gentle upward movement occurred and the area under discussion rose above the surface of the ocean where it rem remained dur ins ing the enormous lapse of 0 time that inter f between the closing centuries of the lower carboniferous arid and well along towards the close of the Tertia ray age when an al most worldwide world wide change of level occurred along the east side of and parallel with 4 chatis what la now known as the mt baldy aldy D range and its northern prolongation the i range the earths earth s crust was fissured from the surface down to the region of molten 1 k rock the fissuring wag succeeded by faulting 11 11 and an idea of the tremendous displacement baay be formed from the statement that 1 i deer trail peak the highest elevation of quartzite is fully feet higher 0 than the 1 j i valley while the eastern section of the r quartzite is buried beneath beneat li hundreds of feet g of basalt b m salt and other eruptive material the displacement extended northerly a distance of nearly no arly miles in sevier valley the sandstone so conspicuous along the cast side 16 of tho mountains is on the al ast the valloy hun i deeds perhaps of jeph of arup T H i W 1 S ft atra rA 0 van r ma cateral teral this als stupendous displace is known as 33 t tho sevier fault in tho V 11 of ma marysvale Marys vale a great fissure on fab cast cask paralleled the sevier fault matilt and tn d is now marked ly by a fringe of bac basaltic altic foothills ills t X and ian d volcanic activity must have continued over a long period after comparative gilak quiet reigned along the mt alt baldy rangel range the evidences of which are found in tho the mixture of volcanic bombs and debris in a bellof aeilt of oolite bullion canyon represents a lateral fault exta extending riding westerly from the sevier fault tho apex 6 the divide between two mile and bullion is quartzite and is fully 1500 1600 jeet beet Iii higher gher than tho the quartzite to the north of bullion creel r another area of stupendous displacement exists along the ahe cottonwood fault where doer beer trail peak rises tully fully 1000 feet above the quartzite on tho ridge to the south of cottonwood the topographical and cross section maps to which tho the readers attention is invited wll will serve to illustrate the profound northerly 11 ort herly and sout southerly hely faulting of the basic formation of the mt baldy range the iea teachings chins oi of geology prove that the OR Z p jj fe ko jj 1 0 rp h ry 0 o Rhy ollee X 70 5 vevy avo E 4 k mv e r me at one V I 1 I 1 4 e M NO ita i cju J 4 jj a Y i A V IN 0 3 Q lot 1 I ew RV ig 04 0 C 4 t 1 U abc u 1 u aa ku U V pl IN V q avs A I 1 cyz V h T 1 1 I 1 1 1 ah 1 M 1 ua A A ilk i ilk 41 T opt graphical MAP MINERAL valeriv asi on I 1 dynamical lil history story of the region to the west vest and southwest of marysvale Marys vale is as foll follows oNys A large area occupied by sandstone with I 1 a limestone cap capping B because e cause of the shrink ft ago o of the earths molten interior or bo be rause of the accumulation of gases seeking lin lines es of ease easement i ont the crust was fissured and broken bolcen into enormous fragments or blocks some of the great masses maintained their position but the larger jarger portion settled doyn don into the yielding mass of underlying igneous matter from those yawning fissures enormous enor moun mour masses or of and birdseye birds eye porphyry oozed up from the earths melted interior and formed m mountain masses thousands of feet abet dee deep 0 again the unstable crust quivered quiver edwith with intense k seismic isaic foi forces pes the old and but partially healed wo wounds were opened and new fissures formed in the overlying ernp five mass and p great it dykes ot of highly mineralized erali zed porphyry porphyry now mark the location and direction pf af miny of those ancient rents through throng g h the Ni weight of the superimposed super imposed mass of eru i ve i material the associated i hrab hr ab and presen c kcf strong solutions tiona tue y i Y v A underlying sandstone was altered clia chang n ada eid Y to the now familiar quartzite there are arc several localities where the sandstone es those agencies and retains its old time characteristics aud and insensibly merges into quartzite as it the igneous for ii nations the brief period OE oc comparative quiet which succo oded the previous disturbances was broken by another uplift of the range and along the central portion extending irom gold mountain south a distance of some ten miles a V great fissure was formed from the surface down to the region of if liquid fire the mighty force which spatt the northern portion of the ML alt baldy range r also formed lateral fissures extending easterly and westerly wes from the great central rent those fissures became lines line of easement forthe for the wast mass of alag magnia magma seeking egress alij from molten depths the hot gaseous mud rowed upward and formed great dykes of phonolite which today cheerily clinks clin lis under the feet of an occasional prospector while the eruption of the ithe phonolite marks the last of nature in the mt baldy region subsequent local fissuring of the phonolite occurred and in connection with other fissures already formed became channels for the upward and lateral flow of gold and silver bearing solutions extinct craters fields of dark colored tra chite ridges of Yol volcanic canic brec breccia cla dykes and chimneys chimney fi or of obsidian in the phonolite k prove that local volcanic forces weve were co COB nr linued over a long period after the widespread eruptive activity had ceased the readers attention is now directed more particularly to tiie topographical and an d cross section maps while we investigate the economical results of dynamical forces just rt described ia 44 to avoid confusion the great porphyry y w dykes only have been mapped and the J veins along the trend of those dykes I 1 are arc I 1 prominently drawn the cross lection shows the ahe deer trail mine occupying a blanket contact which diesto dips to the north at about eight or ten degrees and is hidden by overlying debris in that locality the owners have blocked about tons of ore having an average 1 l value of bf ten 0 or r twelve dollars pier per ton toil about feet distant to the south many carloads of af ore were shipped and which netted the owners several hundred dollars per ton tn lead silver ands and gold it is believed that the contact derived its filling by solutions i from the north where eruption r rock ock is in evidence and probably associated with a lateral fault the high grade ore to the south doubtless owed its origin to a sac secondary on ary movement of solutions which passed through the large body of ore leached beached it and t transferred the concentrates to the higher portion of the contact higher up on the deer trail ese escarpment aram ent is situated the lucky doy boy that years y ears ago yielded a largo large quantity of ug high gh grade mercurial ore the origin of which is an un solved problem still higher on the ilie mountain molin tain side is situated the once famous pluto like the lucky boy it proved to be a surface tte tie posit in limestone the ore was almost pure silver and with no T visible reason for its presence in a locality where conditions are seemingly so u unfavorable the first great porphyry dyke that traverses almost the entire district di strict occurs about three miles west from the mouth of df i cottonwood canyon and occupies the great northerly and southerly south erly fault line along rf this dyke is situated the nelson Tolson I a vein of df gold bearing quartz that projects above the ground like a great wall the branch vein is strong and its permanency ma nency has been proven it yields silver ana gold the standard is a monster ledge any and si yields lead silver and gold ellmost almost excle in sulphide cond conditions it loas on the north end of the dyke is situated the copper belt to the west of the crystal mine und nna trending n northerly 0 rt lierly is a great dyke dalte phyra that after traversing k the marysvale Marys vale section bonds bends northwest northwesterly northwestern erl y into the gold mountain dis district brict along this dyke is s st siti ti the brodburn Br wlburn group a sl high grade ore and now has coc exposed posed a 15 afoot vein that averages 20 per ton ane property is being worked by pittsburg peo cle and ought to develop into a bonanza down on the dallion bullion creek side the dyke forms tho hanging walt wall of the webster a nm onster vein with great chutes of galena aind ind crystallized lead carry carrying ins gold and tho the basalt extends some three to four miles north of the canyon and is also bounded by rhyolite and other eruptive rocks the upward climb from Robinson le to gold mountain is among basaltic buttes weathered to fan fantastic shapes aad highly colored or dise discolored ol ored through the action of solutions eho la salt extends artto A i 0 SS ok Y 6 e 4 N vt 4 V wo i r i cross section R LB il cy IR kyo I 1 it e Q JI Lo loohn bookins g N from F rom ito jooa aa silver space will noe not p permit ermit of any description of the horse heaven an dother and other fine properties along the great webster ikc another monster dyke cuts the fhe country from the east side of mt delano Delan over into X bullion canyon there isa is a large number of fine properties on the dyke and bious to it ia A study of the maps will convince anyone fat all familiar with the relation between geological conditions and the occurrence qc currence 01 ol of veins eins and values that the country to tho west vest of marysvale Marys vale presents one of the most v inviting fields for intelligent investment to I 1 h be bound fo in the united states 0 agold MOUNTAIN MOUNTA DIVISION alighting from the train at Sevier station ton to th the eRG W R rathe observant traveler t to Gold Mountain W will notice that the rugged and br broken blien foothills are composed of basaltic material As one proceeds westward and enters eaters clear creek canyon he will tote note biti within ain a mile or so of gold mountain and to the stranger I isa subject of curiosity interest and study in some localizes loca lites i the basalt caps the rhyolite but in agen a general cral banit merges so gradually in rhyolite that ahat no line ot de mar kation is visible contemporary with the great Sev sevier lor faul tanti and axi extending ending westerly om the barths cart hs crust was profoundly broken or fis aured along aline a line now represented by clear creek canyon and intersect inter intersected sec ed and crossed by the great frac fracture which once extended from 1 rom southwest of Mary stale along the present apex of the range through gold mountain and onward tol to the north noTt hinto into tho the Pa livant range those principal fissures including 0 innumerable parallel fissures ware openings for the upward flow of rhyolite and kindred kind ned eruptive material prior to the complete goll solidifying edifying of the rhyolite the clear creek fracture reopened rel op elfed vad and basaltic material was forced up through the part partially Jally congO congealed aled rhyolite and which explains the blending 1 ng of odthe athe linar or icon tact beginning a short distance north of the J 7 L 7 6 ta Y tv ny ae bif a V W 0 T 5 U ta C t I 1 I 1 I 1 J I 1 7 J pi ja ac N b e s 4 C aj V F 4 11 aap t 1 t vian 1 C I 1 P P b m L A OUN TAIN division av JT EA N INER A L B E ET the fact ilia th atthe tAhe gorgo gorge has been ploughed sloughed hed ti id deep bepin ee pin ina n bed of basalt which as ap robinsons 1 ranch is approached becomes more columnar nar in its structure the bed extends wast vest erly from sevier station a distance of some fourteen miles where rhy rh alito becomes the country rock and forms the apex oft of the ahe If Tange the earlier geological conditions of the amt baldy mineral belt are described in the marysvale Marys vale division of the subject and nd to e re annie laurie lamie see topographical map a belt of birdseye birde birdse eye yeI porphyry extends south erly a di distance of a milo mile ortho or two and disappears under tho the more recent rocks to ro the east of tho the annio annie laurie Lauriea an ii enormous belt comes in from mt belknap and forms the divido divide between kimberly basin and the head of doer deer creek and alid is also so BO far as exposure is conce rend the east local boundary of the birdseye 1 this pecullar peculiar porphyry with its dark base aiu anil freckled mith almat almost hl 0 ii l 1 u PI specks and spots extends westerly over the tiptop divide and down towards fish creel creek mile dip alp ot coulig magnificent annie laurie vein eln or veins is towards the west and on that side sat at a distance of berb perhaps aps or feet t from tho the droppings crop pings plugs is a dyke of porphyry entirely distinct from the country vario fy the locality where the mykols most moat onty expose exposed dis is on thet the t hillside to ao the southwest of tho the blue Bird tunnel the tiptop divide ja is tho the apex of a H harn dyke of porphyry which occupies a northerly and southerly sout horly fissure or lino line of faulting the groat great SeL tiler with its marvelous wealth traverses this dyke ona ona southerly str strike and upon which the tiptop and other bonanza bonan al claims are situated southwesterly from tho the tiptop tho the for matlon mation changes t jie birdseye bird soye porphyry i ori oft the surface at least leas t gives way to rhyolite rhy Glite ft faulting is more conspicuous 1 and explosive volcanic volca nip activity more in ovi 1 v denap this area and well viell in to wardy grand old baldy ba loyis lis situated the fine property of the Trappers pride the geol ogy agy lo locality is given by a gentleman intimately associated with the theoines mines and Is ia as follows tho the country rock is altered which has undergone a series of faulting and thereby tending i omage itkor men fineable ble to the action of mineralizing mineral izing g sola j ti onis the faults so far as developments have are parallel with the f thus far ib nt lateral ia faulting hag hagreen been 0 nhoun to the east cast and southeast ef cf tho the trap pers pride and directly north of mt del bel knap is a great field of phonolite nearly all of wiach is highly stained with iron iran ox f ide the locality y bolds beautiful specimens of several undeveloped but most promising veins are apone opened d with short tunnels Thede the decomposed compos e falling ng pans gold old in th milling illing quantities ina general |