Show FIRE affie WASTE AGAIN EISING G tho the national lira loss after several years in which it showed a slow but encouragingly steady decline is ris rising ing the upward trend I 1 has ban heen been maintained during a num bar ot 0 recent m months I 1 the blame for this can be laid to me no thing human carelessness a term which includes a multitude of 0 kins fins few of us think about tire fire few c us take the tio trouble uble to learn the simple lessons that would enable i v to eliminate tire fire hazards on our property hazards that in nine wo CM c f out of ten tell could be done away with at little or no expense pense py fm r tin in realize that the entire cacti rr 1 city must help pay tor for every fi a viat occurs in ill higher and P i arance rates in lost business in troyed troy fd a for indus indu str lies and individuals in business busl ness alaf I 1 Irlin artion ir tion of the greatest fires have 1 started from seemingly harmless I 1 oi oli Sins gins one grea greasy sy rag in the cor I 1 nir ir ot of your garage could become iho foral focal po paint inetor for a blaze that ciroula destroy a hundred homes sa S fluid ole alc amateurish amateurishly ty repaired repair eol electric wiring so could the cigarette you throw threw away without looking to see where it tell fell so could the leaky flue which youre going to have repaired on some distant tomorrow that may never comei tho overwhelming maj ot f ires fires result from ruch fuch obvious har ards I 1 as these they cost us ashun Ittin dreda of millions of dollars a year and cause an indirect loss several ii veral almea as great infinitely more important por POT tant they destroy thousands thousand of lives you and your neighbors can call take the stops stalls that will make your sale bate that will lower tire fire loss los 75 per der cent Is it worth the th small effort required industrial news review |