Show announced for lacing trail markers I 1 general outline of the plans il program tor for placing tour four pion r trails markers in this vicinity ply y in may was given the first week by stake president E palmer who was in town check f up on developments in that con tion the he markers ar erg are to be placed on fy 9 and 10 and the program will in connection with the quarter sin conference of this stake 1 same game dates one of therald the them rals Is to be aced teed at old fort harmony near w harmony one at ironton Ir onion one paragonah Para gonah and one here at paran its n the he marker at new harmony III I 1 be placed first with an all ap program scheduled fur on saturday in orning ay ath two people who were re jests at tile the fort john platt plait ant anil dependence taylor will he be pre nt the program will dramatise drai dra ate matise free ee interesting events in the tort fort latter after fter the marker is placed there ft caravan will lunch at new har 1 abny ny and then drive through ahe I 1 ns to iron town visitors le ill 11 i also have an opportunity to ito see ie a new developments at iro i buntain where about a half nill 4 n dollars have been expended re pidy atly at 9 a in on sunday a marker i 11 II be placed at paragonah Para gonah with a liable program and then the I 1 16 aup ap which participates will come ii i here for a 1030 10 30 a in m session of ike conference the 2 seaon soil will be historic in nature and its conclusion the unveiling cere ny tor for the marker here i will be der the direction of bist W adams of the local com committee hah ich has arrangements in c charge arge ene e singing on sunday feature music by local compos including stars of morning r thomas durham come all ye na ma of god by thomas daven rt and carry on music tor for klan was arranged by A al duram in barbara at adams will talk a the founding of iron county ad ad there will be talks by the visit the the tablets tor for the markers as enviously evious ly announced are being by the pioneer trails and landmarks association and many t the officers and members of that organization reanimation are nig to join ie caravan from salt lake city for ie a purpose of placing them aaning those who are expected to e in the caravan are elder george ibert smith dr george W midleton eton herbert S auerbach and any other prominent people |