Show PROGRAM FOR graduation EXERCISES ANNOUNCED I 1 graduation exercises tor for the par owan high school will be held friday evening may at in the high school auditorium auditori the program as announced by the class sponsors will be the same type as has been held for several years past without or valedictory address the theme for this years program will center around the class motto tonight we launch where shall we anchor the theme is developed by several readings musical numbers and a dance all introduced through the medium of a symbolic dialogue representing a captain and passengers on the seas or life storms high waves and darkness are overcome at last by skillful navigation in which the stars of truth honesty faith and wisdom determine the course after a difficult journey the passengers see sec the land of the future and select the particular vocation in which they will be able to best serve mankind all graduates will take part on the program special stress will be given to vocations during the entire exercises principal L B bennett will present the graduates and james C robinson president of the iron county board of education will vill present the diplomas bernell evans class president will welcome the parents and patrons in behalf of the graduating class immediately after the exercises the annual graduation dance will be held in the high school gym |