Show notice of sherriffs ifft Ps sale IN THE DISTRICT COURT jr IRON COUNTY UTAH bonneville lumber company a corporation plaintiff vs JB jr defendant to besold I 1 at sheriff s sale on the day of january 1923 at the hour of two p in of said day at the front door vt of the county court house in parowan carowan city county of iron state of utah the follow ing described realty to wit west Wes half of the southwest quarter wy W 2 SW swa section 23 township 32 south of range 6 west salt lake meridian containing eighty acres northeast quarter and the tb e north half of the southeast quarter NEY and nya N section 33 township 32 south of range 6 vest test salt lake meridian containing two bundled and forty acres southwest quarter of the northwest quarter and northwest quarter of the south southwest ivest quarter NW section sec se tion 34 township 32 south of range 6 west c containing eighty acres J T LEIGH sheriff of iron county utah CY D y E EDWARD BENTLEY deputy sheriff first dec 20 1922 1972 last jan 10 1923 sir air john benson is just filling filli ng an order for 28 rods of picket fence for nr mr J W imlay of hurricane |