Show UTAH AH NEWS REVIEW RE in nn an editorial in the utah educational Ite view attention la Is called to the report lit oo 00 N childs crid ent of schools in salt lake city to correct a common that sl percent of all the money paid in property tax goes to the schools ech As a matter ot of fact disregarding other sources of ro rovertie ventie and charging all the expense of education in snit salt lake city against taxes tases cents out of every dollars goes for education 0 0 0 produce building la in brigham city during the week just closed has been characterized by george A poulter of ogden who judged the exhibits as the finest show of its size that he has ever seen there were in all more than entries and practically every variety of chicken was shown together tog ether with a number dumber of pens ot of rabbits and turkeys e e eleven gallons 1 of r mleh ilk in one day and twenty two rounds pounds of butterfat butter tat a week ts is the record of one of the holstein cows of the utah school for the deat deaf and blind the cow Is known as jane garden cafeteria and the two mIl bilkings kings on thursday weighed belched pounds L mrs M ra H W cooper chairman ot of department of prem frees of 0 utah federation of clubs patrolmen of salt lake were asked to cooperate with the city board of education in its endeavors to enforce the alien education law any amena who v have lave failed to register tor for americanization caniza tion classes will be instructed to do so an mr gillian estimated that the COO allens aliens who have registered represent from one half to two thirds of the total number in S salt a it lal lake e w who it a come under the now new law james who has hag been in the county jail at salt lake awaiting trial for the murder of george kallas h has is beeri been released under bond the ball was secured from his relatives and Kik Nik went to live at the homo home of one of hla big brothers in salt lake the new federal highway act Is vastly more of an innovation in the western or public land states than it Is la in states at a meeting of the board of education of the south sanpete school district arrangements were completed for the building of four new school buildings in A the district and an architect was to prepare the plans immediately one of the building will wil 1 bo be erected at ephraim Ephr alm two at 1 and one nt at Mayfle ld the will total cost cosi will be approximately the speedy return of prosperity to the united states in fit general and to each state ns as a unit depends in ili a tar large a measure upon tile success of the arnis arms limitation conference for a successful outcome of the arnia arms conference means restoration of the of uw the world la Is governor SIa Mil beys imbres lon ion arter acter returning return ln from tile tha governors gov conference in charleston S C 0 0 0 A delegation of EVIl ralyn eld citizens z ens met wirth uie state road commission in the matter of having the Ari arrow ohead lend trail designated fly by way of canion aunon Sall petG and sevier countley count lii leq and clear creek cannon dy by tilla till a route tourists come in contact with approximately 5 people whereas it if designated by wily way of holden wid and scipio only 3 people would receive benefit bonef lt 0 0 0 the road commission office force has completed on the federal aid project front ivan I van to chicken creek dam claim in millard county thia Is for a navel bravel n avel surfacing on this a road 90 miles long and 18 feet wide tte the contract it Is in expected will tw be rendy ready for advertising within the near future it ig t that the work will cost coe I 1 in n the neighborhood of an intern arting thing to matte note ot of 1 16 that tell u us that the drop outs outa from the schools furnish most of the criminals so tt t would twin seem that the moat mo it expensive things in UK the world vorm are ignorance Igno anti anil lack of ideals 0 0 0 corporations tr transacting business in the state of 0 atah lire are no now re mittin I 1 to II 11 E crockett secretary secretory secret nry of state nn an average of 10 0 to 1000 pr per day ar as an the license n I 1 iab they must ray pay thi tha slate if aliey lar to continue cont nio bustness |