Show many vessels are aire still idle recent visitor to important ports found that only tankers are in demand RIGID ECONOMY IS NECESSARY prospects of revival in trade are reasonably favorable crews on american freighters Freight and oil tanks tank are well fed new york worldwide has affected no clas of the industrial du community more that than the uteri men and women who ho go down to the sea in ships ships hap haip been laid up in every lin port I 1 have 1 sited front from united states of america to britain holland belgium egnat new zealand australia arid and even south africa where the urban durban mb chalers whalers alers seemed to lie be compelled to ti ta take ke a rest as has only appeared to be available to the oil tanks and lit at tampico qu te recently I 1 have known kno an a vessel to wait much over a week before bemi being able to take oil aboard it Is quite clear that those who direct the destinies of the worlds t exchange C chii inge of commodities have realized zed tile hie pressing need tor for peace retrench u nt arid and re reform forin and the curtailment ol of the wages of seamen masters at arins quartermasters tars engineers water waler tenders lenders wipers trimmers stev stewards cooks and as stant stewards Is only it a suipto sini tuni in of necessity when bour ar broke out 20 a month for an able and 17 a month for an assistant steward ard mould lie he considered acceptable tile war aar terminated with tile llie tn ln of the armistice stewards steward had bad in fit britain EL a roost active leader in fit jue joe cotter codier arid and his efforts on oil their behalf led to the aw stant all 11 per month from the shipp shipping hig g companies arid and 0 3 as a bonus froin the brit iba government roughly s1 sa S io per loor month while title lit in the united 4 atit messman obtained 70 76 pr per month addell added to they were bere paid it a day while lit in port in the shape of overtime that its Is in u days othea than those vt nith n aima ii iia al A de bartut par tuie e held up jp for days at that time little aery vessel was mas lit in requisition arid and barges were ore valuable alu able than th in battleships I 1 ime a ie known ships held field up fur for days because they could nut not obtain barge fur for their argues ar at goes in 1815 1915 great britain owned vessels of 10 1 tons tong find arid ba had in so fur recovered front from her stupendous war losses to possess lessels of tons in 1914 bile employed of arlous grades thou thousands bands of thein being lascaris lascars and purlous attles ger lawt SI swedes edes 1 I and itil l slung what they total today none nolle compute rn in addition to the actual renard general conditions condition I 1 have orivel I 1 lio a proved to a sur degree in I 1 conformity on forin ity recognition of t the e arev ery cry displayed by all seamen ii working 00 oo on allied vessels the he war aar swe bears a ago 0 I 1 traveled t to south abrim on a bout boat belio nging to tile lie union Com Colli pany of ii Drita ill slid and dibi during ilir tile lie greater part of the lie trip we nere ere compelled com coina polled aled to drink condensed sea water athile fresh bread twice per eik ei k uns as regarded as a luxury sailors fared its as best they could ou 01 suit salt beef or pork and ami bard biscuit the introduction of refrigerating lius has altered that arid and eulth thy the seamen seam e n tile alie british board of tilldie evolved it a compulsory schedule of foods tills this was in operation op elation for toine little liine after clr atar had been de dared ulel cl tile shipping board und Ain erlean ship owners generally have lopen lieen ex ei nely liberal in fit their treatment of their bailors bai bal lors arid and I 1 I 1 have seen see oil 0 it an oil ill tunk funk of the united states petty officers ot seamen firemen and wipers wiper sit it aloin to dishes of us its good quality lint and us its mell ell cooked if not a so 0 well nell berned HS as could lie obtained in a first class hotel in new yolk subordinate hands on Anre american rica a freighters and oil tails at are e hotler bett r fell fed in the iraln those on oil liners crossing the lie atlantic and going from UIt aill to ports voi ill hll e in inot ca lases es accommodation Is much superior on oil file I 1 lie former classes of vessels vessel fl it Is satisfactory to know that pros of of it a revival are favorable vo rable but whatever hat eier the lie ou took it Is clearly recognized that to to be profitably the shipping of the hie vo ulu 0 id ihunt be run ou on a basila of flold eco economy notay mid and superlative pill clency george ceorge aal iaal I in ill new york erald lie li riold |