Show ormer water development nt ni i n v P w ilia 1110 t t in 1917 dealing in several models of beautiful convey ances carrying a full line of repairs parts and accessories access aries the proprietor of this place of business has spent all his days here among you and for approximately 14 years devoted his entire enrike time and endeavors as ati an engineer to the development of the underground water to be utilized in the production of the abundance of foodstuffs that grow so prolifically in this section once water for irrigation of is provided he was instrumental instrument a 11 drilling for the elusive underground stratas of oil hidden in this and ad jacent territory and althou n nothing was was discovered in a com meica w 11 still some gas and a ditth rw w N is found his place ot or business i is de 1 titi ti 14 ti 0 tr to giving ever personal and mutual satisfaction to the traveling public is well as many of our local rest resi dents you are arc ure E f tin impartial p tre tret tt inetie lie lit when vm veal deal with him he is one of the present city councilmen tit ml 1 i inid of his fas time it it i at ais |