Show MAROONED FOR THREE YEARS sailors long period of Lon loneliness cliness on an small island located in the south seas lla occasionally Tonally liongs about a modern crusoe just as it 11 did ettli till alexander selkirk who was utis i tit lit ashore at juan fernandez and wh it e adien aden I 1 tures gave defoe the total ollon for robinson crusoe thi trading schooner queen charlotte passing a andall island of the 4 in tile the south seas landed her boat boal 1 in Ili vesti cre the of a fire as it 11 was understood der stood island as un till i habited here was found a united antes seaman who nho had been put cislo re with three shipmates by their captain on account of their mutinous conduct the three bothem had died lut the dian from connecticut had coa contrived to live on the fish lit caught and the breadfruit ond and coconuts and other products he could gather when rs rescued cued after three years loneliness US hla utensils consisted of great shells find and two cups which life possessed amide front from the skulls of his companions pan part ions |