Show MILK RECORDS AID DAIRYMAN both profitable and practicable to know for certainty the full value of cows cow prepared by the united states department of agriculture reports coming to the united states department of agriculture often include stories of the surprises which cow owners meet with when they start keeping records of their cows production for instance in a missouri cow testing association there was a man who when he entered the association did not appear to have a very good 1 1 f I 1 F v 0 W ev 1 n I 1 4 4 V milk should be cooled immediately immediate after it li Is drawn herd but among his bis cows was a crippled ten year old jersey named goldae old goldae led jed the whole association so ciati with an annual production of approximately pounds of milk and pounds of fat and an income over cost coat of feed amounting to in spite of the fact that when the test started she had already gone three months since freshening the amusing part of goldlee Gold les record Is that her owner tried to sell her just before she went on test tor for 75 six months later he refused for or her the whole hole herd ot of which goldae was a part averaged over pounds of fat for or the year in contrast with this was another herd of 37 cows in the same fame association which had been reputed to be the best in that part of the state yet 14 of these were sold during the year as unprofitable and it seemed likely that more of them would be similar stories conic come flom tr oni other states the dairy division bag baa been giving a great deal of time to the e extension of cow testing associations throughout the country and there are now nearly associations in various states the nan man who joins a cow testing association never runs the risk of selling gelling a 1 00 milk producer for 80 because her appearance Is poor nor of wasting his feed foodstuffs stuffs and work on a good for nothing cow because she looks like a good it Is both profitable and practicable ta t know for a certainty the worth of a cow by weighing hr her milk A man in ID a cow testing association lias has the milk of every cow ow weighed and tested once a month from which it Is easy to calculate the total tor for a year he saves the trouble of doing it himself by having the cow tester do it the tester also weighs the feed and figures out the cost of the milk so BO that at the end of a year the owner of a herd of cows knows exactly what each one has given what she has eaten and how much income over cost of feed she has brought him |