Show UMMER SUMMER IS GAY WITH ORGANDY W the blithe shopper seeking midsummer frocks brings up at the or gandie dix display play she Is in a fair way to grow reckless the daintiness of athla barbric and the lovely colors shown in it have resulted in a tremendous vogue for or gandie gandle dresses besides it Is easy to make up and comparatively inexpensive it Is used tor for hata bate ind find bonnets for trimmings and flowers and combined with other materials lit in numberless adorably pretty and simple gowns sometimes it finds itself in the company of gingham and sometimes with silk fitting etting in with one as well as with the other cut but often two colors in or gandie gandle are made up together the frock at the right of the two pictured here Is an example of the two color combination in which a light amethyst color Is set off by piping I and vestee in pale yellow the diesl dresa lins has a plain underskirt and long tunic the tunic hav having ing side panels of tiers set together with in this dress as in nearly all others of ON or 4 gandle there Is a sash of the mate material rIaLl the hat Is also made to match the dress at the left Is a pretty combination of red swiss dotted bitho white and white gandie gandle or the underskirt der skirt sash collar and sleeve rut ruf ties fles are of the or gandie gandle and it Is 1 used its ag a piping to outline the tunic which Is cut in four deep petals ginghams in checks showing a colori color and white as brown and white blue blued and white anil and so on oil fire are made up with plain orlandies organdies org andies chosen to match the tha colored check the or gandie gandle serving for tunics and over blouses |