Show PARAGONAH BOND CARRIES 53 TO 1 WILL BY transmission SYSTEM WHICH CARRIES CABBIES THEIR I 1 electricity OTHER EVIDENCES OF PROGRESS JINO AND ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST the election held in paragonah Para gonah on saturday last ladt for the purpose of authorizing the board of trustees to bond the town for to purchase and repair the transmission and distribution lines owned by J H gurr and used to supply the town with lights and power from the par owan city plant carried overwhelmingly the canvass of the returns revealing a vote of 53 to 1 I onty only one progressive non citizen stood in the way of its being unanimous negotiations tiati ons for the purchase of the line mentioned are already under way and it is understood that the price to be paid mr gurr is it is the intention of the board of trustees to have some repairs made on the line and possibly to extend the system to include other residents of paragonah Para gonah besides being a good thing for the residents of that place to own and control their own distribution system it will incidentally be a decided benefit to the parowan carowan system to have that branch repaired and kept in condition not only that but a more satisfactory satir factory arrangement can be made between the two places as to the amount of electricity used the price of same etc and it will probably result in buying her juice through a meter on a wholesale rate paying for just what it uses and collecting from its own residents accordingly last tuesday the relief society sisters from here went to beckhorn Byc khorn f to hold meeting with thesis the sisters tes there lunch was served under the trees on the james C robinson farm and an enjoyable time was had by all present mrs agnes boardman is quite ill little emma bast bastain in has been very sick the last week she had her tonsils removed last wednesday and infection set in but she is improved at this writing amenzo left saturday for the mission field he was accompanied as far as salt lake by his sister bertha misses effie robinson Robia Robin aon sou incz inc williamson and miriam adair have gone to salt lake jake to attend summer school on june a most successful farewell party was given for amenzo who left on saturday last fora mission A very interesting program was giyen early n the evening after which a dance followed desmith the fact that several of the citizens were away from town shearing sheep etc and others were retained at home on account of sickness about was raised to help elder mission the openshaw family is having their residence improved by the addition of two new rooms mitchell and brown of parowan carowan are doing the work |