Show bay royalty at 11 pool fond of 1 sport pt another they member of the british my rohnl family who has been taking kess keen interest in aport is IB prince albert he a b haa AS lately been seen A quite fr fre ouy at wait walton heath blurb where he got golf his with much kenna he in spite of his cod holms however he admits that so for far he lq f to use hla his 11 own bards bords a rotten all pl blaer r prince kalidi whose ime fair tor hurt hunt hat lina has called much admiration 1 fully I fic kowt the title is 0 ane A open air I 1 was ome a given h her r loung no ag she Is she can hold her own n most last sports her tin mining ining abw fall includes es arr aeri gana enre athletic td nc comp lill cut A abie for A her ahlie ha vs can alive ride ilde salm cycle dame pi golf and d hulks hockey 1 choh 14 4 al sew and turn av out the dal dalbest dest of but bill ter pat in the Sand landringham sandringham ringham model dalry dairy for far her father a early ties tea and least before 11 ills coining TALE ride with mith bee indianapolis star |