Show J eng amenn NV it 2 10 R a I 1 a tuc PP 4 a 41 5 x c walling wailing wll wall of af the jew efm B ISE 00 te ko k O the I 1 out notes ring fine out poignant f pit pitiful ful T law oo 0 once as age it resounds ID as the hoary drifts rifts of the buffi 9 wall rem nant dent of hebrew glory of hebrew fall fail piercing Ime eng c clear it heralds a mighty surge of grief for from the gloom of a but hundred alred 1 souls I a cry Is wrung wrong uncanny in ID the smiling sun on bhone writes dt marian made antan to the chicago J ISM dally daily hews IN tue the jewa ot 1 jer jerusalem have mine come to in am cism in to pray play they how have brought to their fat father er the sting ot of their df sol afflic fulti alou the he fresh pigs in their 1 19 9 tragedy I 1 the slaughter of their breth ren ran la in free galicia the bearded elders in ID their faded head bend and nd sony over their huge tomes their locka brush bruch go the yellowing ing leaves imes of prayer apart on n the bas cobbled bbl abbl street sit women a war bear resting their quivering furs forma g 1 s t a n native n t iv e h but u t their younger gislena gis is t lera e M 0 old id y young 0 u n g w worn 0 m en ell press the tempie ruin min now new our fondle the stone and now they clutch aeta in despair choking dry sobs bobs beyond d a girl 1 Is weeping she has lived th through ough a russian pogrom the there 1 Is a lull la in the nail all for a moment the me mabb of 0 motley hemal headgear game caps PA turbans to dim us far ceases to sw way Y but only for far a moment and now ban the little talmud tomb boys my come if from their ach tiny replicas with their side curls arris and long coats of their elders they file in under bad their rabbi eye a look of awe on im their put pale fees faces all united in mourning jelia Jem salem lom has forgotten it its squabbles squat in thin thih hour of prayer and it mourning before their maker all jews are am brothers broth era A dole a dole a wretched bundle boodle of rags rag whimpers through the cria crowd it between two sputtering candles candies against the wall a soldier from the jewish battalion patu pauses arm to read end the call 11 to th this a prayer player that was wag posted for daw dava 1 in t the he streets of the holy city 1 in hebrew and in yiddish terrible reports come to 9 us one after the other from gal gallela do ent ene sales of I 1 israel at ad shed lied jewish blood like water hundreds of 3 jewish wish alc thus have been murdered amid all sort borta ot f atrocities countless counties innocents men women and children our aph na most pious tons bouls have fallen falle in ID lemberg alone butchered and homed burned were buried I 1 ati one grm gm e scored grew of of the law how have b been dest destroyed raved n and it such much outrage ou were a committed a as in the it day my of 0 the de of the temple A all I 1 our are brethren therm la in galicia are am in deadly ter our mour elders therefore ha have met and decided that the whole command ty men cuen women and ad children should assemble ai tuesday at 8 0 clock arabic time at the temple rut ruin n to reed ad that the past psalms and it blow the 8 h that th the brethren lord show above no mar talie take pity up upon our or ibrahimi Ibra himl A shrill cry ejk strikes the air ir from the roof of her bee stone atone hut a worthy swarthy arab woman mile calls her son ron who has baa somehow been caught t in tile the walling wailing multitude at the th wailing place th the jewish soldier idler rescues the reluctant ibraham rush no just a as a score of british lommler lom mlee appear in the wake make of a Idel soll guide gold no hero to Y you have has the jews jew willing walling nail all he bachold 1 in mf saing the upper indies were nere built in the time of the rome but the lower blocks blacks be longed to sc amona hons temple here tile die jan jews come eairy cry flan friday to nail it the jenish soldier idler bm recognized fellow jr jew 1 in an Ancer leto red cruise doctor standing thoughtfully R Y ot of the edge of the praying crowd team from what hot pont part of the states are your you he whispers eagerly 1 I im fail from philly I 1 thought you might be too down donn the stony steps leading to the waiting place new JIM ond re swe ever hurrying hurry log worrying the talmud torah ch childred ildrem are am leaving with their rabbi the weeping girl leans against the arab hut but now her eyes eyer half dosed closed her lip lips trembling the old young women amen still cling to the me wall ell OB ad if ili the god goal whose ear they seek eek were 1 ID its if very at atone A col dole I a dole the bea beggar renew her er quest the an aan stake sinks lower aad and joe tower lint bat still they come old and it young I 1 the jews jewa of J jie jerusalem ie the pro praying S forms for net never ver weary ever their cart cry rings she above the boise of the city 4 centuries old cry |