Show T H HEADS REVOLT IN MEXICO WAR MINISTER 48 S PLOTTING TO OVERTHROW THE CARRANZA REGIME of poll felix oce reported to he have undertaken noli aUken revolutionary ry Move movement to 0 R re the of 1857 no sew lurk general aurelio idea blan oust net Alex mexican ican minister of nine ur during the ic of if president vie jc met IN huerta old and described 1 sec me ond ad in command to general J allx diaz belill reported afi a having un der taken a rebut hom y movement preely car Car carrena CarrM rom na be ahna ar tied safely rely 1 in mexico utter arm a very or 1 dangerous trip to 10 in an an all it ement ducle here hy by cl RIi gal gnon it emmr his q 1 by ge gen v eral d j hian 1 I fontano anig lill thorf of if staff to sali denerne Gone valk F orloue on chief of ar uller colonel francisco francis Tri ros me led ad colonel almis acosta I 1 intel aptakin get 1 koine t as and ad two other ithane of if t the is oid federal army fire to chavon the purpose of 0 general BI q m return ter mr ile V gayon macal aid we to mm goal tile dla DIRA forms the cardes Carrai car des iEa government bell and reeta reestablish blish the c of 1157 which he sais ar s sea MIB by carranza and revoke revels the alleged de chesso of me present government I 1 e I 1 dira according to gavon even has a been troops p a ficat mattered terell actton Ct ton ol 01 0 mr twenty tw t y sewn ed itei q of mexico mca of t these h e li lie e said were tn in vera riz I 1 D ludi 1800 men at the houll headquarters morter 1 in ten tepatlaxco ties sel hev sm eral officers lir IN tile om old federal army tire lire refer reported sit to have crossed over ever to the diaz dial forces general Cunill Clural lil do agallar 1 a r son in law ot of P ide n t car agui tate janra ranra sea to former secretary 0 of f s state 1 in his hia cabinet Is slid bild to be trading lending th the grear government at ment forces against diaz ainz in I 1 the h vern iter gre brur district |