Show parowan carowan Pa rowan aimes published every wednesday P ars P Pu austing sting 0 ts 7 company F editor and manager al aiex H rollo subscription RATES 1200 one year 1 00 hix 1 I mouth Montha 5 50 0 th months montha always payable in advance entered as second class mail metter matter at the port past office at Pe carowan parowan utah october 27 1915 advertising rates made known on application price reasonable penner carowan Pa rowan utah april 9 1919 PAY UP dr E smith announced that 1 let a all 11 who owe him for dental work must pay par up as he needs the money and I 1 la preparing to leave buta the libe town ifor for a month or moie he that all who owe him will be unmercifully dunned donned unless Is the chev come through with w t be the coin lately barber shop MILLER WARD proprietors first class tonsorial tons onal work 13 a our motto v aaanna W f an VV open every day except sunday inear next peter doot steel north anik ap marown utah LJ L J ADAMS fu licensed abstracter Abstract public is notary ottice nt ne bank budd a carowan parowan Pa Par rowan owain utah ALBERT N tollestrup teacher I 1 in piano and a violin mar serve enill t bar studio at tho 1 D ad adama carowan parowan utah DAHLIAS ROSES SNOWBALL BRIDAL WREATH can be got FLORAL KILL HILL greenhouse place your orders as a first mine first served we handle the beit that thai can be got we have some nice geraniums in the following colors white red dark red pink they RO go cheap as we need the he room THOS LAWRENCE cedar city 25 years in the business still buying HIDES PELTS wm pritchard parowan carowan Pa rowan utah I 1 RANDALL ANDALL L JONES archini architect C it office in ab shoop sheep st store building cedar cit utah board feet of logs now on the yard at orton ward mill SAWING NOW commencing delivery anytime any time after may 1 send in orders now dont delay ALEX H ROLLO parowan carowan Pa rowan utah W P BAR BARTON PA ONAH UTAH M my i c dims an and if reliable 64 goods jr 1 i aval 1 I record of he le I 1 alval aiters I 1 1 I 1 i creation separator the lender lateer in ti this TO fanner rich enough to lo feed butter buther thu to hop nogi N iati or his h 1 calve I in partially skimmed nult mal lea it a waste of moster and food that your pocketbook onal bulk bon your country all cro condemn dern but W it a waste waits that is n going on an today wherever an interior inferior or at biall wom absom japard is u being bears wed ot as the ac as gravity grawl yr method why not at put a top ship to thu that aa waite is with ft D oe laval lard C beam Sape separator neds there naw 6 u to DO other that can compare pare with the de level laval in a dean A 9 capacity baie be of operation freedom fr from lepain pa bud and dut durability IC iti the greatest grea cream come in some day clay Y you ont afford lo he da A this tle and talk it over SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL BUY A LAVAL ay get your safe j I 1 deposit deposit box now you cannot afford to be without a box in our new fire proof safe vault bauit small boxes per year large boxes per year one of the small boxes will hold all the valuable pa papers P ers of the average family C call al I 1 and see what we have BANK OF IRON COUNTY PAROWAN UTAH IM I 1 SS ssan 3 as 3 MI S za I 1 send us your estimates for MILL WORK BUILDING MATERIALS 0 PICKETS to we also carry a tuh full line of ta y 01 PAINTS ETC milford lumber company I 1 MILFORD UTAH DR E SMITH DR F J BURTON DENTIST DEN physician i surgeon parow nabih utah md majer a n 11 II 11 1 if breach branche n utah C altiva H a DI offic houn u |