Show round up and dates date announced the date for the farmers round ups and housekeepers conferences feren ces held in various parts ot utah each year by the extension division of the utah agricultural college have been announced this year 4 gatherings will be held the first at salina january 9 17 1917 the second at ogden january 22 27 third at loron logan january 29 to feb auary 3 and the last at cedar feb 7 12 while at all 11 four easm sessions the women will study problems pro blema ba haing ing to do with the care and nutrition of the family dr olson olsen of salt lake city and mrs harriet B Darlin maw mass having been secured to aid in the discussion the men will discuss various topics adapted to each community at salina special emphes a sill kill br bo laid on an livestock and feeding at ogden soils soila feeding and drainage will be featured A special serma series of state farm bureau meetings will be held during the ogden gathering at logan the business side of farming will be emphasized the new state irrigating congress will hold its first annual animal meeting at the logan round up at cedar city silos the feeding of livestock and earn growing will occupy the attim atten growing tion non a of if t the a sessions |