Show PIONEER DAY L uve tte sit at work pr preparing for cel celebration ae to the take k general ch charge si raa committee 7 0 of the h appointed for or the preparation celebration no of f pioneer day which h Is ii commemorated here every vear a oa january report that every clothing everything thIne 1 is going along nicely and smoothly and thata that a rood good time wilt will be had the general committee und under whom the entire bistre g eme nt of the affair will 1 fall have apkor appointed n t ed ib committees who are work working ng er neatly earnestly and enthusiastically the general committee 1 11 composed of the following folio wine gentlemen M M decker chairman D dr F i burton james mitchell john bayles heber benson and john miller the commencing of the activities of the day will be announced by salute of cannon under the direction of captain S J whitney salute will commence promptly at 12 in at I 1 p in the general meeting will be held at the opera house and the following program rendered singing by congregation prayer by chapjian Chap lian bp H J Mort engo n speech of welcome and sketch of pioneer life by walter C mitchell reading by mrs george benson quartet by lawrence J ad adams and company lioun solo by prof leon leoel L eck les lea speech by pres wilford day duet by miss ada mcgregor and L 3 adama adam at the close of the above program a hand shake and banquet will follow after which the balance of the time left will be taken upla dancing the older people of the town will be taken to and from the hall by auto under the direction of the transportation por tation committee |