Show are we alt all cooing our energy if prices price of provisions kaei keei on an climbing as they have been doing during during the past year the effect should hould be a great stimulus tim ulua to the back to the farm movement movements move menta of which we have board beard so 10 much the past decade common aj sense and observation should teach any man that ons one of the main causes cause of the high price of food tuff fa the growing ity 0 of farm labor and the consequent curtailment of acreage cultivated thousands thousand of farmers farmer all over this thia country unable to secure adequate help are gradually cartel ling their operations until it is ia no common eight to we see a farmer that formerly sold four or five hundred bushels bushela of corn now hardly producing enough to feed the stock and fatten the pork of course we all know that a gang bane of unprincipled blood suckers ahme seized upon the war a as an excuse for boosting the prim price of everything that we consume Lon sume but if a scarcity of production did not exist the foreign demand for food stuffs stuff forein dentandt would be in met t and d there would still remain in this thia country a sufficient quantity to supply all home demands it at reasonable prices just why young men and older or ald ones anes too should wish to I 1 leave the farm and run off to crowded ell cities is not easy to understand true they work hard on the farm and equally true they work even harder in the city and save ae less as in a majority of caw cases unless they are intellectually far above the average of mankind they live in penury and die in want with the present demand for far farm products product it would certainly appear the height of folly to aban abandon don the certainty of plenty on the farm for the pre precarious mrion life of the average city dweller A new york writer as a reason for men leaving the farm that they dread being known as country jokes jakes that writer is a a jackass and his statement a joke with the present easy means of cOm munica tion between town and country it is difficult in these them days to distinguish the town rian fro from the country if anything the countryman approach es nearer to masculine mescule p perfection than the city cousin tt looked at from whatever i v angle we may view it ait the quest question n of the serious future of the farm I 1 is serious th that at our young men are leaving it by the thousands is a fact that there are none to replace them is a lamen babl table fact and in endea endeavoring vering to locate the cause one is almost forced to the that the men of this nation are gradually losing that love of honest toil for which their forefathers were noted no peace yet buys boys 1617 is easy to writ ewhen you think of it will it be a dove of peace or a buzzard of prey th the Is opportunity that once passes V you aby by never shows up again oh yes everybody wants want peace and nobody knows how to beet ge t it S now that everything is talking of national defense lets have something g besides talk if the price of print paper pape r cap contin oe aes ues upward we will soon be tempted to circulate 50 00 bill bills instead the fellow who does it today instead of tomorrow beldom ties lias to ponder over the mistakes of yesterday A noted writer once said young men think that old men are foal coola old men know that young youn g men are a fools boril 1 in which mis bl agob gol w we e must be a ceasal of darned fords fools when to take chamberlains chamberlain tablets tablet when you feel dull duil and stupid after eating when constipated or bilious when you have a a sick c it he headache dache when you voit have a sour stomach when you belch after eating when you have indigestion when nervous or despondent when you have no relish for your meals when your you liver is B torpid obtainable everlu everywhere here |