Show price of rosea a A email it flower 11 or shop hp i in the humid bum biffl quarters of a southern citi cit A young hospital nurse none stilt still in training 14 1 asking the price of roses lit r v rounder da cheek check itself a r rose as hot halt turned to the open door the dally daily tasks fusion of the hospital train training 1 n g A school ct oot u are r e e exhausting x ha sti g woral but the b has 0 s m managed a ed t to 0 e embroider m b oid a borki bag a wedding present wrought by ber her a own ban hands end and aha he seeks seak to t adorn due tile the package with Is a few buds to the I 1 question it ill she p petg is there ther iff 19 no reply old only Y a thoughtful look such voice m a as la in an excellent thing in ft oman an repeats it then the woman a of the shop 1 1 I heard you tile the that farst time dear deal and nd li I ve heard your voles voice before you were good so BO good to me ate alice nt at th hospital TW tiow sh she so suffered buffered I 1 ada andl how patient to the end ir if then the welling turning to the boy bay she he bid bids him give the lady all 11 the flowers she ah way bay need and she herella plan pica white ros me on oa the he young nume w bosom new york independent |