Show W wilson in club meets the young mens wilson club met monday evening atthe at the bruhn hotel 26 members being present the sp speakers e akers were or dr macfarlane of cedar and geo W decker democratic nominee for representative from iron co dr macfarlane gave an interesting talk on some of the political is issues aes ues of thedac the day ex pl plaiting pla ining arning in a clear lucid manner the rural credit law as aa passed by the he last congress mr decker took up the mexican question giving many reasons why innerve intervention tion in mexico would be wrong and defending pros pres wilson mexican policy through the courtesy of mr bruhn proprietor of theli otel the club was wag riven given free use of the din ng ing room and lobby for the gather ng ing during dunne the evening a dhe delicious imn banquet was waa served and th the time pleasantly and profitably spent by bv all WINSTON ORTON S sc M detary tary |